by Janko

19 years, 10 months ago

KINGPIN this is off the subject but how do you get an avatar like that? (*peter)

by Kingpin

19 years, 10 months ago

Janko: For future info, questions like that are what the Private Message feature is for.

In answer, a friend of mine here on this board made it for me when I asked him, he did a several, but only a few can still be seen.

by MasterSpider

19 years, 10 months ago

Money's not even really an issue. I don't think he would give up the rights for any sum of money unless it was like a HUGE amount, which would never happen…

by Futher

19 years, 9 months ago

I've been reading these boards for years and just decided to start posting. I live in Rockland County, New York… about 2 minutes down the road from Bill Murray. I've met and spoken with him many times at my neice's softball games and once at a local ice cream parlor. I went to school with his son Luke and used to be friends with him when we played baseball together. (even went to his house for a BBQ when I was 12). Anyway, I was only able to sneak Ghostbusters into our short conversations once, and when I asked if they are going to make a Ghostbusters 3, he laughed and simply said “no…”. Bill is a nice guy, but he's constantly pestered by fans when he's with his family somewhere (I guess people like me). I don't think he's bitter about Ghostbusters, just his career in general.

by AJK

19 years, 9 months ago

Lets face it, most of us would like to see or hear about a third GB movie but perhaps if we leave Bill alone about it we would have a higher chance/possibility of seeing it happen (not that this is totally true mind you.)

If you take a look back at Men in Black 2 when the pressure died down on the actors & the studio it did wind up being made…..

by born2bustheads1

19 years, 9 months ago

I never really like it when people start suggesting that the way to get the movie is to have Bill die, I may not like the guy personally but I don't wish death on him…

…certain people I know, now that's a different story…

i agree, ghostbusters is a great movie in all but no two hour piece of cinema is worth taking a mans life over, and i think all you ghostheads out there should be ashamed of yourselves for judging bill's not wanting to make the third movie. he's just trying to make sure dan doesnt do anything with the franchise that he would regret. seeing a bunch of men in their 50's run around pretending to be young would be a pretty shitty movie if you ask me. but then again what do i know?

by AJK

19 years, 9 months ago

Well Better late then never as per GB III, I'd personally rather see the originals before it is too late and before they are in their 60s or worse, dead.

Also I know this might sound odd but what about doing something similar to what was done with Heavy Metal 2000, (this might include reintroducing the dead GB 2120 or 2120 or whatever it was called.)