GB3 being made by another company


23 years, 2 months ago

It could be a possibility. Think about if Fox could buy the franchise, get Lucasfilm to help make it, it would be a definite hit.

by SpiffSupreme

23 years, 2 months ago

If Lucasfil and Lucasfilm ALONE did it as an alternative, then yeah, that would be pretty cool.


by Texasgb

23 years, 2 months ago

I agree, Sony should sell the rights. They probaby will not because they want to hold on to the franchise because they know how popular it is.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 2 months ago

OH, that would be too much to ask for, let Lucas handle a new ghostbusters movie?, a think that would be a movie hit of Biblical proportions….

by Venkman

23 years, 2 months ago

Who knows maybe if george directed he could make the new cast of gbs nsync!


Yeah it would be pretty cool though, but dont get your hopes up.

by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 2 months ago

I think Fox and Lucasfilm could do a great job making Ghostbusters 3, too bad Sony won't sell…but wouldn't Bill Murray have to sell his rights to for it to be made?

by DaveMcFarlane

23 years, 2 months ago

Don't think Sony will EVER sell the rights to the GB franchise.

They might be too stupid to not greenlight another movie - they ain't stupid enough to give up the rights to one of their most successful franchises EVER!!!

by bb

23 years, 2 months ago

yeah it would be awsome to see what they would do with it but sony knows what their doin

by Ecto-Jedi

23 years, 2 months ago

I'm afraid I don't know what Sony is doing. Think about it. Why would they hold rights, to gain profit right? Well, as sad as it is, the sponge for GHostbusters 1, 2, REAL and Extreme is almost, if not already dry. There hasn't been to much more products out on the market to make the money. People are running out of things to buy. Now if sonynot selling, that I could see. GB3 is a a good chance to make hordes of money. Selling it off may give Sony a quick profit, but long-term sales after all the toys and shirts and what-not are out, the royalties would skyrocket for the lucky company who bought it. Thus leaveing Sony in the dirt…
What sony NEEDS to do is greenlight the project, soak the spong some more. That way, they can re-fresh the GB market and make more and more, why they are holding back I don't know, they're letting a good “product” go to waste. If they couldn't take care of it, they shouldn't of bought GB in the first place. Their negligence is hitting the fans each day. It's like they're teasing us by waving around the contract saying “Ha ha look what I got and no one can have it, let's put it 6 feet under and never worry about it again!” They should stop worrying about Microsoft's X-Box and focus on an area I pray Microsoft never touches, Movies.

On another note, getting LFD to do it would require a ton of paperwork, and probably be very costly, Lucas doesn't work for just anybody. (never seen LFD slapped on anything but SW, was it on Indiana Jones?)Fox could easily handle the project though.

In closing, Sony should either A.)quit letting BG die and try to puch for another movie, hell another cartoon, anything! or B.) Sell it for a ton of money and hopes the buyers never make that much, but will most likely happend. It boils down to Sony will have a chance to make money if they act. Which choice they make is up to them. If they just sit around, royalities won't pour in like they use to.

Sorry for going on so much, but I had to get my rather large two-cents out.

by Ecto-Jedi

23 years, 2 months ago

*Looks at his last post and hangs head in shame*

It's LFL, not LFD! and GB, not BG! I really need to proof these beasts and quit posting when I'm 1/4 awake. Sorry for the sloppy post.