If Lucasfilm were to do it, George Lucas should sign a contract stating that he will not try to write the dialogue for it. Sheesh…Episode I was bad enough. Plus, I don't know how they would handle a comedy. It would be an interesting idea, though.
by Texasgb
23 years, 2 months ago
Aykroyd has also had a good relationship with Warner Brothers. They could buy the GB franchise and make the script that Dan wrote.
by SpiffSupreme
23 years, 2 months ago
If the movie rights were sold and LFL were to do SFX, that doesn't mean that George would be directly involved with the project.
Of course, what do I know about companies like his?
So I'm probably wrong.
by Glycerine
23 years, 1 month ago
I think it would be pretty cool if it were made by another company, but as was said before, I doubt that Sony would sell the rights.