GB3 comparison to Rocky V

by DoeRaiEgon

22 years, 7 months ago

Hey people I was watching rocky V, and i have come to a conclusion about GB3.
Ok.. I imagine many of you love the Rocky movies, however how many of you liked part 5?? Part 5 is everyones least favorite because Stallone wasn't in a big fight scene,because he was “retired” and their was a new guy in town. So they built the movie around the character Tommy Gun. The movie just wasn't the same seeing someone else take the place of our beloved hero.. (now my pointis..)
GB3 wil have our beloved heroes replaced with new heroes and it just wont be the same. Now i know many of you will say “i dont care i just want another Ghostbusters”. I know this seems odd, but think about what i have said and i'd love to here your comments, I cetainly dont want GB3's to turn into another Rocky V!.

by Spooky

22 years, 7 months ago

I really dont know. I really enjoyed EGB so I probbly will enjoy a third GB.

by Ghostbusters

22 years, 7 months ago

I am a person who absolutely loves the Rocky movies and I thought Rocky V was very good for a sequel and concluded the story well (the end fight was cool). But GB3 could go either way: it could be the last film in which we see the original Ghostbusters save the world again or They recruit some new Ghostbusters, either has the possibility to be great but could create a bad name for the franchise if it was not made correctly.

by BusterJJS

22 years, 7 months ago

I don't know how it'll swing. I know if everyone will like it, but at least every ghost head will it could be as bad as mortal combat II or as good as Austin Powers in goldmember. But probably if it's made I'll like it no matter what.


22 years, 7 months ago

Rocky 5 the least fav? your joking right? i loved all the rocky movies and there's even gonnabe a sixth edition to the classic boxing genre. i dont think you can really compare rocky to any other movie out there itsi n a league of its own…

only my opinion though smile

by GBFan112

22 years, 7 months ago

Yes, Rocky 5 wasn't good compared to the pther movies in the series, but its not the end… Stallone has been talking about Rocky 6 (yes… six) and another Rambo movie…

What I heard about the Rambo was that it would be in Afganistan, and he'd be saving American POWs (heard this on the news AWHILE back… don't know how accurate it is….

by GB3

22 years, 7 months ago

There ain't gonna be a Rocky 6 or Rambo 4 anymore. Sly Stallone's latest film D-Tox was deliberately released first in the foreign market for a “test”(apparently he and Arnold S are still popular there). It bombed and now Universal Studios sold off the movies video rights to a seperate video distributor to put that film out in North America as a direct to video release. Universal cancelled his contract of a three picture deal (2 left after D-Tox). When his film Get Carter came out it bombed so bad that all of the major movie studios said to Stallone, no Rocky 6 or Rambo 4 until you gain a hit film. So for the last 2-3 yrs his carreer is really on the rocks and closely being watched.