GB3 Confirmed On ITV UK Any site?

by MagsecUK

18 years, 10 months ago

Actually no lie me and my partner where quiet shocked as i thought this was dead and burried. Ive also been told, tho dont know how true this is, that it was also on the radio, tho none of the actors were on that it was just the presenter saying that it been confirmed and it was my parents who told me that whom i doubt a telling lies. Tho they did admit they walked in half way through that,so dont know if mix up but they claim it said filming of Ghostbuster 3 starts ????, they dont remember date as they only took notice for me as when i was a kid was into GB big style but they dont like like it and there reaction was more to the tune of oh god no not another one!!!
I can only tell you what ive seen/heard, ive searched high and low on the net to find proof for yas with no success. im sorry i cant proove it i only hope someone else whom heared or seen about it can come on and back me up.
Only one post as i was a fan of the films but not a net freak tbh but when i heard this news had to find some fans to chat to about it but sadly its not as well seen as i thought it would be.
I can only give my word that this is no fake claim as i hate that type of thing going on and i know its annoying but i seen what i seen and my parents heard (with disgussed) that this is deffo happening. No big interview no deffo dates and no details just that fact that its going ahead is all ive seen.

by MagsecUK

18 years, 10 months ago

Oh and when proof is given i will expect an apology!!

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years, 10 months ago

proof first

apology second

by Kingpin

18 years, 10 months ago

There was something over at IMDb about this I think, although it suggested that the guy who hosts the program (if it was one of those film review/entertainment things you heard it on) regularily makes stuff up to kill time.

by MasterSpider

18 years, 10 months ago

9sam1 gets the honesty award for the day…

by xander

18 years, 9 months ago

HI all

Just seen the Dan Akroyd interview on the news confirming the GB3 go ahead. Anyone know where theres any details as this only had him sayin its going ahead and didnt give much away. Great news tho and funny that it made the news lol.
Would be cool if had supermna returns this year the GB3 a year or two later.

You miss spelled man in superman. You spelled mna lol :-) :-) :-)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

Master Spider
9sam1 gets the honesty award for the day…

Sam, you've earned this:

by CardcaptorStacey

18 years, 7 months ago

Oh well. It was exiting while it lasted. Please don't do that again.

Well said! (*egon)

I don't think it's been on ITV, since my aunt watches it. She would have said something about it to me