GB3 game project? Submit your concept!

by matthew1

17 years, 11 months ago

Anyone got any ideas on how Ghostbusters would work as a game with turn based ghost battles. I think it could be pretty sweet.

by Kingpin

17 years, 11 months ago

Anyone got any ideas on how Ghostbusters would work as a game with turn based ghost battles. I think it could be pretty sweet.

Some fans have created turn based RPG Ghostbusters games… but I couldn't see that being used to mass-market a Ghostbusters game to the masses… it'd likely proove too tedious for most.

by GhostbustersSpooktacular

17 years, 10 months ago

How about a first person shooter with some mini-games. The Game could have bonus GB 1+2 levels.

by Kingpin

17 years, 10 months ago

Ghostbusters Spooktacular
How about a first person shooter with some mini-games. The Game could have bonus GB 1+2 levels.

Well, could be the game-in-development ends up being a first person… and if ZootFly's doing it… they might have mixed 3rd/1st person setup. I think Max Payne had a similar setup.

It would be fun if some training missions/bonus content were based on the stuff seen in the films.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 10 months ago

Ok I hate Socom but when you look at it, the team idea is not bad.
You are in a virtual environment, followed by your team-members.
You can give them orders and choose their equipment.
You have an objective that you need to find.
Between each game, you get a movie clip and a menu to manage.
Socom is weak to my taste but I think it has a realy good concept.
With a better structure, AI, graphics, arcade/strategy concept, jumping right in an immersive world where the fun start depending of your actions, the time you take and the enemy move, I think it can be great, mixed with what we saw in that game prototype.
Oh and please, no experience points for the love of Gozer!

And by the way, I never play a game that I already played once.
I mean that each game is, most of the time, a remake of a remake.
'Red dead revolver" was good… until you start to turn around your enemy with your weapons directly on his chest, both of you shooting like 20 bullets without dying. But it was original.
If a game look too much like the other, the fun turns off.
GB needs to be original.

by mdp872105

17 years, 4 months ago

I really like the way you think, It kind of reminds me of spider-man 2 & 3 where you can go around do what you want but you still can follow the story. I like to throw this out there how about having it in another city like you been part of the ghostbusters expansinon from New York. You been with them for a while and they feel like you are now able to be on your own in another city because they realize that they can't stop all the ghost in New York let alone the world so they have called on you to open up in another city like new orleans, maybe Denver . Then have what you was talking about in your link running a business a panic instead of hp,etc… but the trick to all this is getting that AI to work so it may have to be simplified a little. As far as the view goes i think a third person walking view with a first person firing would work well then you could do a button sequence to hold the ghost in place will you grab a trap to lay out and kick over. Then with each ghost capture buying upgrades to make future jobs easier so i won't seem like you could take on the bosses without upgrading after a while. (*winston) (*ray) (*peter) (*egon)

by newrecruit1

17 years, 4 months ago

I don't like the idea of “buying upgrades”, they did that in sega genesis, it was like the GB doesn't know how to built their stuff.

But the concept is good. I prefer the options to buy raw material. The firehouse will have a room where the player can built new technology. The player will need to choose the right material, first. The game will allow the player to create its own design or to choose one made by Egon and Ray. After choosing, a minigame follow. It will show the construction in progress (it can be anything: clip of gb working or your hands working on the tech), while the player follow the correct button squences. When the tech is ready, it will need to be tested in the “test room” (on a target, not a ghost).

If the product is ok, you will see a good view of its potential, whith a success message. But if the player didn't follow the buttons sequence correctly, or if the player didn't choose the right raw material, a lot of things may happen: nothing (a failure message appear), or alarm before an explosion (your character runs for cover, failure message). Anyway, everything may look cool but it will be on the battlefield that the final test will tell. Some ghosts may laugh at your new technology! The player may feel the need to carry one of its old ones on a teamate, just in case.

Sometimes, the best solution is not to make a whole new technology, but to upgrade the old one with a booster, for exemple. But the upgrade that you create may also waste the tech. You will lose it until Egon and Ray send you a replacement, if that happen.

So, if the player fail, money and raw materials are wasted. Some materials may not be available during a period of time too; if a danger is approching (like gozer was coming in gb1), the player better play safe or try to make money quickly. Why not add an option about ordering raw material from other countries, when it's not available around? The player will need to pay before receiving the stuff, was it a good choice to order instead of waiting that the markets gets their new inventory? Maybe the shiping will be late or its price very high compared to what came.

I like the idea of 3person and first… only if it's not a shooter based game.

by mdp872105

17 years, 4 months ago

I agree with you i meant buying upgrade in a general from of having material, money and the know how to do it sorry i didn't make that clear.

What about having the ability to check back in with New York HQ to get tips and advice and send in samples of ghost to have analyze by Egon to help make upgrades and capturing different ghost easier. They already have AI in some games similar to that (BioShock).

As far as the view goes i agree to the fullest. (*egon)

by newrecruit1

17 years, 3 months ago

Sorry, it was impossible for me to reply sooner.

“Ghost samples” is good depending of what you think. Returning with slime to the GBHQ for analyse is interesting… but if it's a “key concept” to progress in the game, that's bad. It's too simple.

I prefer to investigate a “closed/abandonned/historical” zone, searching for a “I-don't-know-what” in a “I-don't-know-where-to-look”. Will it help to use the PKE or will I waste precious time on it? Do I have to search the dirt floor? Or under a building fondation? Or does those ruines have… yes, a “shadow” in its old deteriorated paint… an indication that only a good observation will reveal.

What about an item of a person or from a dead body. Will you need to ask the authority to unearth a tomb? Or study the authority items archives? Maybe a search through internet may also reveal something, in a old and forgotten personnal web page.

Anyway, I prefer to have samples or items that will help me find a clue than making me upgrade my technology to bust a ghost “correctly” or more “easily”.