GB3 Hellbent

by Vinz-2206

14 years, 5 months ago

To me, Hellbent sounded like a better conception than it did a movie. I've never read it either, but I think we probably saw the better parts of it in the video game. The twisted mirror image of our world, and I'm guessing that Hell would have probably started to spill over into New York like the ghost world did.

The idea that Heaven and Hell were divided by one of the city's bridges stuck out to me. I don't know how that would have played, but the idea was amusing. The script seemed to have a lot of story ideas put into it, which is good, but a lot of them sounded a little too cheesy for my liking.

Wasn't one of the new team members described somewhere as a pre-teen male with an oversized head?

Yeah, he was supposed to be the mentor of the new team. That seems like one of those strange Aykroyd ideas that probably would have been the casualty of a second draft.

by batman2

14 years, 4 months ago

by deadderek

14 years, 4 months ago

Wow, from what I've just read……awful…just…awful.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

Wow, from what I've just read……awful…just…awful.

remember it was only a first draft if some one else rewrote the script it could have been something. maybe not a feature lenght live action film, maybe a cartoon movie of some kind

by deadderek

14 years, 4 months ago

remember it was only a first draft if some one else rewrote the script it could have been something. maybe not a feature length live action film, maybe a cartoon movie of some kind

Yeah I kept in mind it's a first draft…and that in my opinion the first draft was awful. (Not being a hater.)

by Brendan_M

14 years, 4 months ago

From the 10 pages or more that Chris has put online through the FB account of PC, it's a much different take on the franchise, which could be a good thing. I mean, isn't the whole point of making a sequel is to continue a story or start a new one?

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 4 months ago

Partly, yes. But if you deviate to far you end up with a different beast all together that's just strange and confusing to the fanbase. Deviate too little and you end up with people complaining it was too much like the original (GB2)

by Vinz-2206

14 years, 4 months ago

I liked the idea of Ghostbusters becoming a bigger entity, even though I'm mixed that they had 86'd the firehouse. I laughed a bit at Ray and Egon taking a trap to the bedside of the dying priest, because it was so random.

If this was a sign of things to come, it looks like this would have ended up becoming a little too high-tech for my tastes. I didn't think it was beyond saving, other than the Master GB rap, but it fell into my fear of it seeming a lot like Extreme Ghostbusters. But, I'm not sure if you can completely avoid that, using the mentor/recruit dynamic. The new guys and girls could have definitely used a rewrite.

An interesting read.

by batman2

14 years, 4 months ago

Well we all remember the first draft of Ghostbusters 1 had no comparison to the final draft, I remember Harold saying that back in 1984 it would of cost around $300M to do the film that was in Dan's first script, lol.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 4 months ago

Well we all remember the first draft of Ghostbusters 1 had no comparison to the final draft, I remember Harold saying that back in 1984 it would of cost around $300M to do the film that was in Dan's first script, lol.

yes, Dan's original script took place in the future, and invovled ghostbusters traveling threw time and space. I think when Dan writes he gets a little excited, and his scripts go a little overboard. But Harold and Ivan toned ghostbusters 1 down to be a bit realistic. thats why i think it could have been something with a few rewrites by somone a little “realistic”