GB3 I don't think so !!!!!

by twinswin91

22 years ago

Today I was in lower Manhattan and was walkin by the GB firehouse. And the door was open and one of the firefighters was standing at the door,and I asked him the most asked question. “Is GB 3 going to be made” he said “about 6 months before 9/11 they heard something about making movie there,but since 9/11 there hasn't been any talk about,they asked whoever they asked in the city film commision and they NO nothing is in the works.”
I mean maybe without Bill it might be able to work,but without the firehouse ? or worse without NYC It'll never work.

by venkmanfan49

22 years ago

About making a movie, so u mean GB3, or just an old movie thats made in NY. It wouldn;t have had anything to do with 9/11 anyway, I don't think, because even before 9/11 there would have been big news about GB3 possibly in the works.


by Ecto1A97

22 years ago

So u mean to tell me, that GB3 wont be made jus because it isn't in the same fire house??? no. It might, i've seen a fire house that looks just like it in Cali. So don't be sayin things like that, and this is GB3 we're talkin bout. GB3!!! 3!! they could move to a diff. fire house in the movie and real life so… They could make it if they want. :1( | :l(

by Shadow_weaveR

22 years ago

but how cool is it that this guy gets to walk past the firehouse anytime he wants? im sure you take it for granted but that would be pretty sweet to live in NY and see all the film locations ect… maybe im just a GB FANattic but thats how I feel.

by twinswin91

22 years ago

All I'm saying is GB3 won't be the same as the others with not being at the firehoise & nyc, I hate to tell you this but without NYC gb would never been that popular.

And yes I have been to all the filming locations. Since you probably don't live in the NYC area there is a map for tourists that show various filming locations from all different kind of movies