Okay, as some of ya may have seen around the boards, I've written a GB3 story over 5 years ago. Unfortunately, re-reading it with new eyes “today”, I find it to be substandard and really, really bad. My writing, not the story. In looking to bring it up to par with the talents I have mastered over the years, I wonder if I should change more in the story, which is where all of you come in. Help me decide what stays and what goes from my, as we shall now call it, original draft. I ask for your most brutal opinions for each topic listed, and any ideas you care to contribute.
WTC-Most important, the World Trade Center. They played a major role in the bad guy's quest to transform the Earth into his kingdom. Unfortunately, unless you've been in a coma, you know they're gone. So, my question is do I cater to those who may be offended and write a present day piece where they're gone, or do I write a period piece and keep it set in 98?
LENNY-Okay, you know I hadda put Lenny in there. But, they never named our now Governor. In reading the GB novel, they called him Hizzoner a lot. As I was a dumb kid when I first read it, I thought it was his name until I grew up and learned it was the abbreviation newspapers use to talk about the Mayor. But, I still say so what? Anyone like the name for the hell of it Lenny Hizzoner?
NEW GB-My concept includes a new GB. This is a girl who falls victim to the villains sinister plot and ends up a ghost. Seeking a sort of vengeance and to save her mother's soul, she joins the team as the first female/ghost Ghostbuster. (First female, yes…I totally disregard the existence of EGB ‘cause I hate it). Anyone like this idea?
ECTO-1-Okay, design wise…since this is movie continuity, should I update the 1A look and update it within the story or have a complete overhaul right from the start?
MOOD SLIME-I feel that the second movie fairly established that the slime wasn’t alltogether linked to Vigo. It was just a pawn he chose to use. If no one else got that sense, remember this is fiction! So, I decided to keep the slime as a constant yet dormant threat the team is trying to figure out how to eliminate between jobs. The bad guy would use this to go forth with his plan and take the life force energy he would need.
Okay, that's it for now. Thanks for reading and check back should I need more opinions.