GB3, I need Ghosthead Opinions


21 years, 9 months ago

I call ‘em batteries for lack of a creative name right now. They’re more like AC Adaptors or filters. You know, you put a clean air filter in your car you get more mileage and better HP, and as it gets used up your car starts to suck again. Oh, and I read elsewhere about your firehouse layout idea. I look forward to seeing it, maybe it could have elements I could use.
And I feel I need to clear this up. The mood slime isn't going to be as prominent as it was in the second movie. The river will be there in full swing, yes, but no buildings are gonna get coated, bathtubs won't eat babies, and the Empire State Building isn't gonna tap dance down 5th avenue. It's been done, and I don't like rehashing old stuff unless I'm updating it.
My goal here is to use the slime to the fullest potential. It will serve as a means for collecting the life force energy for the baddie and to help increase the ectoplasmic levels of the ghouls. The main purpose of it is so the GBs stayed in business between then and now, and build a series around them trying to deal with it while keep up with ghosts popping up all over. Remember, this was a vehicle to launch an OL fanfic series back int he day.
Oh, yeah, and in case ya can't tell by my name, retiring Ecto-1 is NOT an option. That'd be too much like saying I should just junk my '69 instead of restoring it.

by jewy

21 years, 9 months ago

i think no more big walking things like stay puft and statue of liberty because it all ready has been doen in the first two.


21 years, 9 months ago

Didn't I say that?


21 years, 9 months ago

Okay, now for equipment upgrades. I'm thinking about changing some of the gear, ‘cause let’s face it…a company that's been in business for 15 years wouldn't still be using those slapped together pieces of crud they started with. I would think stuff like the ecto goggles would have a more hi-tech look. Like maybe instead of protruding lenses it'd have one large lens with electronic controls. Ghost traps would probably look sleeker too.

by EGraves

21 years, 9 months ago

Sounds interesting. I'll add my two cents.
As far as I can tell, if you can give a plausible reason for proton pack upgrades, Ecto-1 overhauls, and firehouse rearrangements, everyone will love it. I have a hard time seeing someone stop reading and throw a fit over something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The mood slime sounds interesting, as long as it's not a copy of GB2.
If you want to leave the WTC in, leave it in. Ever since 9-11 there seems to be a movement to erase any mention of the WTC's existance from society for fear of offending anyone. This, in my humble opinion, is stupid, and a poor way to honor it's memory.
As for the girl, it sounds great if you write her well. However, it also could degenerate into a “Mary Sue,” which is the bane of most writers' existance. It would help if we knew a little more about the girl. For one thing, if she's a ghostbuster, does she actually use the equipment? Why is she powerful enough to pick it up? Stuff like that. All in all, I'm willing to bet everything you've said can work.

by RunDMC

21 years, 9 months ago

I say leave the World Trade Center in there. I don't agree with them being removed from everything like they never existed. Well unless it's in the story as a cash-in that is. I.e. you have to bust ghosts from the people who died there or something - but then you've stated that's not the case so there's no reason to take them out.

As for Spider-Man, they kept them in the movie. The WTC is featured twice in the movie and, just to make sure I didn't imagine them, I just checked my DVD and they're in there.

by ghostfreak

21 years, 8 months ago

Just my 2 cents on the WTC thing… the very idea of erasing it's exsistance for fear of offending people sounds a lil familiar….. almost following ideals in George Orwell's “1984”…. intreaging! yes I know no one has heard fromm me in forever but thats what work will do to you… ne who back to the topic at hand… ecto upgrades i think is a great idea… follows expectations seeing as how the ecto was remodled between GBI and GBII. As for equipment overhauls it too makes perfect sense for reasoning stated above. Technology only improves so why limit yourself by not imbracing it. If you want to keep the WTC it is totally up to you but if you decide not to may i suggest that you focus on something in or around Central Park. If you noticed in GBI Dana's Apprtmnt. building was in Central Park West… and in GBII the Art Museum was very close to that same location if I am not mistaken. Just a thought…. Happy writting!


21 years, 8 months ago

Actually, on that whole WTC issue, I've dreamed up a soulution. Literally. There's gonna be two versions of my story with the minor change of one featuring the WTC while the other goes an alternate route with the Empire State Building as a major set. That way overly sensitive people will be happy, and normal people will be happy, and I won't have to lose a potentially good idea.