GB3 *IS* being made if yous didnt already know...

by Ghostbuster4evr

22 years, 9 months ago

I guess it was pretty childish of me to get mad. I did check it out officially and Dan does want somewhere between $120 million. I apologize again to Ectoman and the rest.

by bigpapi428

22 years, 9 months ago

can someone post a link to where they got this information?

by Ghostbuster4evr

22 years, 9 months ago

Okay everyone. I have found where the 600 million thing came from. I remebered reading the post from ghost head, and he mentioned that GB3 would cost $600,000,000. Now I know that that information is SOOOO totally erroneous.
As for the rumor of GB3 being made, I have heard from my local movie theater that it is sort of *hush, hush* if you know what I mean. But I still do not, absolutely, without a doubt believe them.

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 9 months ago

I don't know if we're ever gonna see the link to this info. The guy who made the original post made only those to posts and hasn't logged in since then. Also, that was the day he joined.

by bigpapi428

22 years, 9 months ago

alllllrighty then…. i am still not keeping my hopes up until i hear from an official source. alot of my friends around school seem to think that it is being made, but i have no idea.


22 years, 9 months ago

Well, with MIB2, and Jason X coming out, hopefully they will see that other companies are taking risks, I don't think right now would be a good time for it to come out though, Star Wars is going to be dominating for a long while… if they want to put out GB3, they should do it between Ep2 and Ep3. Like I said SW is going to dominate not only the movie screens for a while, but also toys, licensed props, clothing, etc. But all one can do is hope that the long awaited GB3 comes out SOON!

by NetSolo

22 years, 8 months ago


If I listened to my “local movie theater” I would be lead to believe that Leonardo DiCaprio is indeed in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, that Tommy Lee Jones is NOT in the new Men in Black flick, and that the popcorn is actually fresh.

Seriously, besides distribution what's with the whole movie theater inside scoop trend I'm seeing lately? If the theater manager reads Daily Variety does that make him an inside source?

by StayinPuft

22 years, 8 months ago

Yes who are the two GBs that don't want to return? Hudson I think is a good sport, and he said he'd come back…. Ramis is like Akroyd in that GB is his brain child so of course he'd come back…. And well Akroyd is the centre of this whole thing so…. Now Murray is definately 1 but 2? I think regardless of what GBs would come back that Weaver, Potts and Moranis would be a good addition….. And Oscar? Maybe we can sweep that little accident under the rug or he can become a 13 year old GB?? BTW I really don't want to see GB made into a EGB…. well thing…

by Ghostbuster4evr

22 years, 8 months ago

Netsolo, my friend, the members of N*SYNC are making the appearance in Star Wars: Attack of The Clones. By movie theater distrubution, perhaps they know something about GB3, as to the fact that Sony might be making it, but want to keep it a secret. I don't know, but I keep referencing MIB2 for that fact, because they said they did not want to make a sequel to Men In Black, but they have (secrectly), and so they might be making GB3 on the sly without us knowing it.

by jaycromer

22 years, 8 months ago

I've pretty much acepted the fact that GB3 will never get filmed, but the script is written. There's nothing to stop Dan Aykroyd from releasing the script as a book or even just as it is. It wouldn't be nearly as good as getting a movie, but I'd take it over nothing. What do you guys think?
