GB3 listed at ( just read)

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 2 months ago

GB Freak;132916
I heard Ernest gets Gangbanged comes out in the fall, I believe it was said on the interweb some where. I know I can't wait, can you?

Alright! I also think I read somewhere that “Verne” will be behind the camera so you still don't get to see him…well, at least not all of him.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 2 months ago

The Ghostbusters 3 Imdb does count just like the Information on this page. How do you know that the script isn't done yet. The script could be done already because on the GB3 Imdb Dan Aykroyd said that he's hoping to get the GB3 script by Christmas and he also said that filming will began next Summer of 2009 that's on the GB3 Imdb Message Boards so check it out and you will see that I'm telling all of you the truth and that I'm not a Liar.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132921
and he also said that filming will began next Summer of 2009 that's on the GB3 Imdb Message Boards so check it out and you will see that I'm telling all of you the truth and that I'm not a Liar.

You can't be serious man. IMDB is about as reliable on information as Wikipedia is with information…

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132921
The script could be done already because on the GB3 Imdb Dan Aykroyd said that he's hoping to get the GB3 script by Christmas and he also said that filming will began next Summer of 2009 that's on the GB3 Imdb Message Boards so check it out

First of all, no one has said that the information on this page was to be taken as Gospel. It's just another source for the rumers that have been leaked and we all recognize that. Slimer388 was just nice enough to post about another source.

Second, even if IMDB were to “count” and be taken as truth (internal shudder - don't know if I'll forgive myself for even typing that), Dan said that he was hoping to have a script by Christmas and that filming could start next Summer. Dan never said it was a sure thing - Even on IMDB.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132921
The Ghostbusters 3 Imdb does count just like the Information on this page. How do you know that the script isn't done yet. The script could be done already because on the GB3 Imdb Dan Aykroyd said that he's hoping to get the GB3 script by Christmas and he also said that filming will began next Summer of 2009 that's on the GB3 Imdb Message Boards so check it out and you will see that I'm telling all of you the truth and that I'm not a Liar.

Show proof that he said that he was hoping for a script by Christmas and that he said (which is ironic given that the script isn't completed) that filming will begin in the summer of 09. Also, show something other than IMDB board as proof. Its no more true than this board.

Which, by the way, nice try trying to imply that this board means something. Anything posted here, unless posted with an outside RELIABLE source, is trusted no more than word of mouth, cuz that's all that it is.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 2 months ago

Ignoring everything that deals with, well, we all know who…

Shouldn't Ghostbusters 3 be considered “In Development” anyways? I mean we all know the script is being worked on, and even if it never goes passed the scripting stage, shouldn't it still count as being in early development?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 2 months ago

No one is disagreeing with it being in development. Its been in development since the mid to late 90's.

People are just disagreeing with the supposed release dates and “confirmed” information.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 2 months ago

My message wasn't really toward a “is it in development or is it not” debate, but rather that since it is in development, is it really that surprising that it would be listed on

by rockstar232007

16 years, 2 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132921
The Ghostbusters 3 Imdb does count just like the Information on this page. How do you know that the script isn't done yet. The script could be done already because on the GB3 Imdb Dan Aykroyd said that he's hoping to get the GB3 script by Christmas and he also said that filming will began next Summer of 2009 that's on the GB3 Imdb Message Boards so check it out and you will see that I'm telling all of you the truth and that I'm not a Liar.
Key word, Hoping! It isn't that we think your a liar, we just don't believe everything we see on IMDB, and for a very good reason…THEY SUCK! It is a site that is mostly composed of user submitted information, therefore, it's not very accurate or reliable…oh, and one more thing, if the script were done, we would have known by now, just like we new about the game months before it was officially announced!(*egon)

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 2 months ago

Why don't all of you check out the Ghostbusters 3 Imdb and see what Dan Aykroyd said about the GB3 script on the GB3 Imdb messageboard. The Imdb doesn't lie and you say that the Imdb is a liar which it isn't at all. It says that GB3 will be here in 2010 so check it out and you will see what I'm talking about. I'm telling all of you the truth and so is the GB3 Imdb. 2010 GB3 will be here! It even says that on Harold's and Dan's Imdb because they are the exceutive Producers for Ghostbusters 3 so check out there Imdb's on the GB3 Imdb under the full cast and crew. They just have the crew up not the cast but the cast will be up soon!