GB3 logo

by Kingpin

22 years, 1 month ago

I've said it before and i'll say it again, Fixer has one of, if not the most original GB3 logo ever! smile

by fixer79

22 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for the compliment, Kingpin!

Hi GBVA, my man! How are ya? wink

by 9sam1

22 years ago

a new logo for the movie would be stupid i mean if you were in real life why would you make a logo with 3 fingers? i mean the original logo would be awesome. a Three finger logo is to unreal (i no i no its just a movie) but they shouldnt be parading around yelling WEE were in a sequal!

lol smile

by Gmoney

22 years ago

The GB3 logo should be like the GB2 logo cept with more detail and of course with 3 fingers up.

by DrSlimer

22 years ago

Hey, anybody else noticed that Slimer had three fingers up in part one? It happened just before he got cought in the trap. Maybe you could use that one. :d But seriously, if it started wiht the original logo and went on to the two fingers logo, they should go on with the three fingers! Fixers' really rocks!

by Sinister

22 years ago

I would use something like Fixer's for external movie promotion…. ie posters, box covers etc… but for in the movie, ie… arm patches, I would use the original!

by JyPsy

22 years ago

well the whole GBII patches in the second movie were to symbolize “WE'RE BACK!”
for three, either stick with GBIIs patches or put the original on.


21 years, 12 months ago

You can find a new Gb3 Logo in the “Fan Area” section on

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 12 months ago

your fan area isnt working for me.

by Grimlock

21 years, 12 months ago

i think having the ghost with three fingers would be ok for a tease poster. but not to go on the car, uniforms or the sign on the firehouse. they should use the original for that stuff.