GB3 might end up like Indy 4 if made....(read)

by robertknippels1

16 years, 5 months ago

I see it different. Ghostbusters is a totally diffetent franchise then indiana jones. As long as they come up with a good script it could work. I thought that the indiana Jones script wasn't good enough. It was to much over the top. And the last part I had the feeling that indiana Jones was very passive. I also didn't care about that whole skull story. don't understand me wrong I am a big indy fan but it wasn't the movie i was waiting for.

I hope as they make a third ghostbusters that they make a good story.

best regards,


by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

Well the Imdb wouldn't be lying because it says that Sony is making another sequel to the Gb movies and it says that GB3 is a GO and that's wonderful. It also says that filming will start in 2009 for a 2010 release and that's wonderful too so GB3 is happening now as a live-action movie instaed of a CGi movie and that's a lot better as a Live-action movie then a CGI movie.It's Coming now and the movie will Rock at the Theater in 2010!

by jka12002

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129035
Well the Imdb wouldn't be lying because it says that Sony is making another sequel to the Gb movies and it says that GB3 is a GO and that's wonderful. It also says that filming will start in 2009 for a 2010 release and that's wonderful too so GB3 is happening now as a live-action movie instaed of a CGi movie and that's a lot better as a Live-action movie then a CGI movie.It's Coming now and the movie will Rock at the Theater in 2010!

dude cool it with the exclamation marks.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

dude cool it with the exclamation marks.

Not only that. Cool it with the false information. IMDB is not the end all be all. Not only that, but none of the information you posted is even on the IMDB site, other than Ghostbusters 3 (2010). They say nothing about the shooting schedule or it being live action or CGI. The point being, they've put GB3 in the database several times, and subsequently taken it down. Nothing is official. The movie has no schedule, has not been green-lit, and doesn't even have a completed script at this point.

You're either looking to get banned or seeing how far you can push it before you do Ghostbusters3will rock. You were warned by the mods. Stop posting false information please. We're all very excited at the prospect, but don't post things as fact, please.

by jka12002

16 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;129042
Not only that. Cool it with the false information. IMDB is not the end all be all. Not only that, but none of the information you posted is even on the IMDB site, other than Ghostbusters 3 (2010). They say nothing about the shooting schedule or it being live action or CGI. The point being, they've put GB3 in the database several times, and subsequently taken it down. Nothing is official. The movie has no schedule, has not been green-lit, and doesn't even have a completed script at this point.

You're either looking to get banned or seeing how far you can push it before you do Ghostbusters3will rock. You were warned by the mods. Stop posting false information please. We're all very excited at the prospect, but don't post things as fact, please.

Well, although i dont really trust IMDB. Apparently a Remake of GB1 is in the works for 2011

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

That info for that movie on IMDB is only available if you have a membership.

And its probably just the Bollywood remake… nothing to worry about.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129035
Well the Imdb wouldn't be lying because it says that Sony is making another sequel to the Gb movies and it says that GB3 is a GO and that's wonderful. It also says that filming will start in 2009 for a 2010 release and that's wonderful too so GB3 is happening now as a live-action movie instaed of a CGi movie and that's a lot better as a Live-action movie then a CGI movie.It's Coming now and the movie will Rock at the Theater in 2010!

I know telling you this won't work, but I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I didn't try. Whilst the article in variety adds a lot of weight to it, IMDb is not the be-all end-all of information (I really wish that wasn't the same phrase Dan had used, but there isn't really another approprate term). The information there, like Wikipedia is user-submitted and only as good as the people who submit it. I can remember no less then two separate occasions where Ghostbusters 3 was the hot topic, enough to have a page dedicated to it on IMDb appear… only for it to be removed as soon as the rumors lost steam.

I'm sure you were banned on the older version of the forum, but if not I'm telling you now to watch yourself Patrick. You go overboard a lot with this and in the end it doesn't do you any favours, how about you cool it with the hardcore dedication and maybe discuss something other that Ghostbusters 3 for a change?

by heslimedme251

16 years, 5 months ago

…and for Pete's sake stop with the word ‘wonderful’!

IMDB is not the most accurate place for information regarding films. Anything read should be taken with a pinch of salt, so for now…sit down and keep it buttoned. How about a nice marshmallow?

*I say ‘keep it buttoned’ in the nicest possible way of course. You're entitled to be overly excited about something if you wish!*

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

Why would I lie about the Imdb for? The Imdb wouldn't be a liar and neither would I. In 2010 GB3 will be here and you guys will see. Check out movieweb and it will say for a 2010 release. I'm telling all of you guys the truth about the movie. Arn't you guys Happy about the GB3 Info? I am. What's wrong using the word Wonderful? Nothing! GB3 is coming because I gave you guys the Imdb address and the Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I. Please stop calling me a liar because I'm not a liar I got the proof and I gave you the Proof address so read it and it will say GB3 a 2010 release.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129075
Why would I lie about the Imdb for? The Imdb wouldn't be a liar and neither would I. In 2010 GB3 will be here and you guys will see. Check out movieweb and it will say for a 2010 release. I'm telling all of you guys the truth about the movie. Arn't you guys Happy about the GB3 Info? I am. What's wrong using the word Wonderful? Nothing! GB3 is coming because I gave you guys the Imdb address and the Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I. Please stop calling me a liar because I'm not a liar I got the proof and I gave you the Proof address so read it and it will say GB3 a 2010 release.

No one is calling you a liar. We are simply telling you that IMDB is not 100% accurate and that everyday fans can submit info. GB3 has been on there several times, and has been taken down several times. Just because its on IMDB does not mean its absolutely coming.

Oh, why bother… at the rate you're going you won't be around here much longer anyway.