GB3 Might just happen after all...

by rockford

19 years, 2 months ago

It would appear that Sony's love affair with old franchises is not as dead as many of us feared. It has been announced that the original and best Robocop movie is being remade - by Sony. Nowadays, a film like Robocop would be a real CGI fest and therefore require substantial amounts of cash (probably a hell of a lot more than GB3)…

I am a big fan of Robocop and I'm not altogether happy about a remake of a film that is still excellent today, however, if it's a success (as I'm sure it will be) then I'm pretty certain that Sony will trawl through it's back catalogue for some other franchises to ressurrect.

There is still hope

Anyway, link HERE

by Troggard

19 years, 2 months ago

You give me hope for the future. Thank you.

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

Last I checked, Peter Weller didn't have what was akin to a strong hatred to Robocop, unlike Bill to Ghostbusters. This prooves nothing, it just means Sony is looking into other franchises to get more money.

Robocop is a movie that doesn't need a remake, the only thing that could be redone with CGI is ED 209 (The stop motion scenes). do they think they need to remake movies that are 20 years old because kids today won't know of it, or like it? They're desperate. :-@

by Paranorman

19 years, 2 months ago

Someone just emailed me about a possible GB III, is this new news or old info that made the world tour?

by Kingpin

19 years, 2 months ago

Probably the ‘World Tour’, man it's nuts…

by d_osborn

19 years, 2 months ago

aside from ramis dropping stiller's name while talking about the planned cast for the old HELLBENT project… nothing new.

by rockford

19 years, 2 months ago

Kingpin: I never said that this proved anything. Besides Peter Weller has stated categorically that he would not star in another Robocop film after Robo 2. Anyway, a new GB film doesn't have to have Bill Murray in, and it doesn't necessarily have to have his approval either.

The mere fact that Sony are prepared to invest in a film that had a lower overall audience than GhostBusters (Robocop was an 18 - GB, PG) merely hints that older films are ripe for picking. At no time did I state that this was conclusive proof that GB3 is go.

And merchandising for something like Ghostbusters would probably equate to a hell of a lot more $ than Robocop).

by d_osborn

19 years, 2 months ago

and it doesn't necessarily have to have his approval either.
actually, it does.

by DocHoliday

19 years, 2 months ago

Yeah Murray's approval is a must.

by rockford

19 years, 1 month ago

Is that a proven fact that his approval must be given?

Granted, he has a 20% share in the film/franchise, but does that necessarily mean that he has to give permission for further sequels to go ahead - whether he's in it or not?

Or is this just supposition and rumour? Where does it categorically state that this is the case?