Gb3 movie poster

by GBRD71

15 years, 5 months ago

Hey guys, I finally decided to join this site, I been on gbfans for a while. I decided to start off by showing my poster design. I used the background image from the PS3 version of the game and made this poster. After a lot of tweaking and fine tuning, some input from other people and some tips, this is thus far the final product.

I have a few other variations on this poster on my deviantart as well as some other Ghostbusters related fanart: here

by heslimedme251

15 years, 5 months ago

You need to “unsquash” the picutre, the image is stretched to odd proportions so they look short and wide.

Try a exclamation after the tag line. Change the font to Arial Narrow (for some reason I like that font for movie posters).

Also change the size of the billing block, it needs to be small, as it seems to distract the eye a little here, and try blending the dolby and sony logos (or fading them slighlty).

Other than that, I've thought that picture looked pretty good for a movie poster.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 5 months ago

I give it a “C”. And that's a strong “C” because you didn't use the gawdawful “three fingers” logo.

I suggest making it longer, increase the resolution, 86 the logo in the background, clean up the “Ghostbusters III” logo (erase the blue in the background), soften the edge of the bottom black part so it fades from the guys boots to the credits so you don't have a hard line, and don't squash the guys.

Credits font is here:

**Note: I started working on this post before Heslimedme did, so I deserve all the thanks and credit and money. I do charge for my advice, y'know.

by GBRD71

15 years, 5 months ago

I give it a “C”. And that's a strong “C” because you didn't use the gawdawful “three fingers” logo.

I suggest making it longer, increase the resolution, 86 the logo in the background, clean up the “Ghostbusters III” logo (erase the blue in the background), soften the edge of the bottom black part so it fades from the guys boots to the credits so you don't have a hard line, and don't squash the guys.

Credits font is here:

**Note: I started working on this post before Heslimedme did, so I deserve all the thanks and credit and money. I do charge for my advice, y'know.

That GBIII logo has been the hardest thing to get just right, I have one version that doesn't have the blue, bu the blue is a personal preference, it's somewhat in keeping with the GB2 poster. Thanks for the link to the font, I might make another one with it, for now I went with a font that was close to the original movie poster.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 5 months ago

The official Ghostbusters font is ITC Symbol STD.

by Kingpin

15 years, 5 months ago

The official Ghostbusters font is ITC Symbol STD.

It's close… but I don't think that's the font that was used. The “U” in the finished logo has an equal thickness in the upright portions, whereas in Symbol Std the right-hand upright is significantly thinner. There are also some details on the serifs that are missing as well.

That said, it's certainly a very good alternative.