Gb3 news from Weaver!

by rodie1

16 years, 3 months ago

The plot thickens… I think its cool that they are meeting it shows that something is going on with it at this point.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

I don't know how I feel about her being in it… I just hope that if she is, they don't make the big bad ghost go after her again. Once was fine, twice was pushing it, three times would definitely be too much.

Great that GB3 is staying in the news and everything though. I really hope we get a great movie.

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years, 3 months ago

ok so lemme get this straight. she didn't wanna be in the game but she wants to be in the movie? wtf?

by Kojak

16 years, 3 months ago

Just spotted this

Thanks for the update!!!

Maybe Weaver is the girl Ghostbuster?

by matthew1

16 years, 3 months ago


Sigourney Weaver SHOULD NOT be in Ghostbusters 3!!

Damn it, she shouldn't have even been in Ghostbusters 2!! Her reappearance in the second movie was bad bad bad for three reasons.

1 What were the chances of the SAME PERSON being linked to the centre of the paranormal threat AGAIN? It was just too much of a stretch of the imagination.

2 By bringing Sigourney Weaver back it made the movie feel like they were trying to repeat the original and not trying to make Ghostbusters II it's own movie with a truly new direction. The movie just felt like a repeat or rehash of the original with her back.

3 Ghostbusters II centred too much for my liking on the relationship between Dana and Peter. The movie felt like part horror/comedy part soppy romantic comedy. To me that is not how Ghostbusters should be. Plus, I found that the scenes between Peter and Dana were really really dull. The comedy is best when Venkman Stanz, Spengler and Zeddmore are together.

For me, the only reappearing characters which are absolutely necessary when making a sequel for Ghostbusters are Spengler, Stantz, Zeddemore, Venkman and Melnitz.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 3 months ago

ok so lemme get this straight. she didn't wanna be in the game but she wants to be in the movie? wtf?

That's where this comes in…

Signourney Weaver Declined Aliens Game, Not Offered Ghostbusters

by Yehome

16 years, 3 months ago

“As for participating in Atari's upcoming Ghostbusters games, Weaver claimed she was either never contacted, or was simply too busy to respond at the time and forgot it ever happened. I'd say this was a loss for Ghostbusters fans, but I never really liked her character in the series in the first place.”

So, let's just say GTFO of my GB III.

by stayinpuft1

16 years, 3 months ago

“As for participating in Atari's upcoming Ghostbusters games, Weaver claimed she was either never contacted, or was simply too busy to respond at the time and forgot it ever happened. I'd say this was a loss for Ghostbusters fans, but I never really liked her character in the series in the first place.”

So, let's just say GTFO of my GB III.

In Chucks article the last line is "the son of Peter …???“… First, Oscar WASN'T Peter's son, he was the Euro trash celo player's son… I think that for GB3 they need to TOTALLY ignore GB2… Acknowledging GB2 would be good for us nerds down in the nerdery that live for that kind of thing, but it's something that should be forgotten by the mainstream.. Realistically, can you imagine ”Peter Venkman's son" as a GB? That would be SOOO lame… Keep references to the original at a minimum too… I don't think the movie should even be made without the original cast… Don't just do an ‘updated’ version of the same story…

Honestly, I hope they don't make another movie… The bastards ruined Dukes of Hazzard for me!

by rodie1

16 years, 3 months ago

In Chucks article the last line is "the son of Peter …???“… First, Oscar WASN'T Peter's son, he was the Euro trash celo player's son… I think that for GB3 they need to TOTALLY ignore GB2… Acknowledging GB2 would be good for us nerds down in the nerdery that live for that kind of thing, but it's something that should be forgotten by the mainstream.. Realistically, can you imagine ”Peter Venkman's son" as a GB? That would be SOOO lame… Keep references to the original at a minimum too… I don't think the movie should even be made without the original cast… Don't just do an ‘updated’ version of the same story…

Honestly, I hope they don't make another movie… The bastards ruined Dukes of Hazzard for me!

Yeah I'm in agreance about the Oscar situation. I really don't see any need to reference him at all whatsoever. After seeing the video game trailer I'm wishing more and more that they had gone the CGI route (uh, if it gets made that is).