Gb3 news from Weaver!

by Yehome

16 years, 3 months ago

Sincerely even if I LOVE the OGB, they have to get a new team, the sight of old timers running after ghosts creeps me out. It's Ghostbusters, not Ghost Busters!

by robbritton

16 years, 3 months ago

I reckon just have Dana mentioned as being Peter's missus, rather than actually appearing, is the way to go. ANY love story for Venkman is falling into the rehash category. Just let it be behind the scenes - there are other elements of the character that can be explored for comedy.

by you_will_know

16 years, 3 months ago

I think a third movie could survive without her but I would rather have Dana in it - just not central to the paranormal activity as she was in I & II.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 3 months ago

i think it's great to have Sigourney Weaver do GB3. I'm glad that she changed her mind about GB3 because she heard the news about the writers from the office writing the GB3 script and I'm pretty sure that they included Sigourney in the movie. She's my #1 favorite actress and she was Awesome in the first two films and she will be Awesome in the third GB Film. I just read the GB3 Imdb and it says for a 2010 release and that there prooves everything because Sigourney knows about the script and the release date. It will be great to have her return with the original GB's and having them train a new team will be great so the script sounds good and the movie will be good to and i hope that Oscar will be in GB3 because he was a baby in GB2. We have to see what goes on next. 2010 is the release for GB3!

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132357
i think it's great to have Sigourney Weaver do GB3. I'm glad that she changed her mind about GB3

She hasn't changed her mind yet, she's approaching it with more enthusiasm and isn't ruling it out, be she hasn't said unequivocally that she'd do Ghostbusters 3, yet. She's just in talks with Bill to see where things stand.

I just read the GB3 Imdb and it says for a 2010 release and that there prooves everything

No, it doesn't.

by JonXCTrack

16 years, 3 months ago

Oscar would be about 20 years old today. In 2010 he would be 22. I feel like 22 is too young. If they are going to introduce new GBs, then they need to be in their late 20s/early 30s.

I think given the original cast's age, it would be appropriate for Weaver to play Venkman's wife. I don't envision Venkman being so much of a womanizer that he is single at age 64.

Also, the new film needs to have a paranormal occurrence that stands on its own and doesn't involve a love interest for one of the characters, much like the RGB episodes.

by slimer3881

16 years, 3 months ago

i really hate this ‘old’ thing, they're not even that old! most are in their late 50s , a few trips to the gym, and a little bit of hair dye and they'd be good to go. they could pull off, still being a standalone team, in their late 50s. i mean Connery's last portrayal of Bond was at age 51. hell, Ford is 64, and Indy looked just fine, same for Rocky and Rambo. they're age didnt take away from the quality of the movie at all, they were all just fine.

But anyway, who let that wiggler, Ghosbusters3WillRock back into here?

And i agree, Dana, shouldnt be a central character if a 3rd were made, maybe a supporting role as Peter's friend, but i heard theres a new love interest for Venkman in the game, so that adds a whole new plot hole in the romance department, so if there were any references to Dana in the new film, it should be that Oscar wants to join the team.Even if that is stretching it a bit much, its the only way it would work without rehashing any storylines.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132357
I just read the GB3 Imdb and it says for a 2010 release and that there prooves everything because Sigourney knows about the script and the release date.

Oh really? You just read it? You hadn't read it before when that was all you ever talked about and got yourself banned because of it?

And sure, Sigourney must have seen the release date (which apparently they've set before signing anyone to a contract or having a completed script) for 2010, and gone “You know what, I don't have anything coming out that year, sure I'll do it!”

God, seriously guys, this little punk is back? How many times does he have to add nothing to the convo and just talk about GB3 and IMDB as if its all for certain before we can finally be rid of him for good? He clearly doesn't get the message.

by rockstar232007

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;132380
Oh really? You just read it? You hadn't read it before when that was all you ever talked about and got yourself banned because of it?

And sure, Sigourney must have seen the release date (which apparently they've set before signing anyone to a contract or having a completed script) for 2010, and gone “You know what, I don't have anything coming out that year, sure I'll do it!”

God, seriously guys, this little punk is back? How many times does he have to add nothing to the convo and just talk about GB3 and IMDB as if its all for certain before we can finally be rid of him for good? He clearly doesn't get the message.
Maybe we should give him the silent treatment…yeah! that's it!(*peter)

by JonXCTrack

16 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I was shocked to see him posting again as well. I assumed he was some 12 year old kid being obnoxious, but his previous posts indicate that he's 28, which I also find shocking considering his reading comprehension and writing ability rival that of belly button lint. (*egon)