GB3 or MIB 3 very unlikely: Sony Films Rethinking Strategy

by d_osborn

19 years, 3 months ago

This is dumb. They wont make a 3rd ghostbusters, however here is a list of sequals that are soon to be out to theater within the next year or so. Please tell me why some of this crap is being remade but not GB?

Die Hard 4
Mummy 3
Daredevil 2
Indiana Jones 4
Jurassic Park 4
Fast and Furious 3
X men 3
Rocky 6
Mission Impossible 3
Scary Movie 4
Alien 5
Toy Story 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4
Terminator 4
The Goonies 2
Rambo 4
Charlie's Angels 3
BeatleJuice 2
BEETLEJUICE 2 is not even close to being in production. same with DD2, ALIEN 5, and GOONIES 2. the new TMNT isn't a direct sequel, and isn't going to be released until 07, and most of the others haven't even been officially announced by the studios, most being just rumor. X MEN 3, MI3, ROCKY 6, F&F3 are the only films listed that i'm aware to be in active production.

by ice11red

19 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, my post was semi mis leading. Most are in some kind of production reguarding writing, casting, etc. They also wont be out until 2007 or maybe even 2008. And Beatlehjuice is the only one being “rumored”. Michael Keaton just said he REALLY wants a second one. Guess he wants another hit before he retires.

by d_osborn

19 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, my post was semi mis leading. Most are in some kind of production reguarding writing, casting, etc. They also wont be out until 2007 or maybe even 2008. And Beatlehjuice is the only one being “rumored”. Michael Keaton just said he REALLY wants a second one. Guess he wants another hit before he retires.
there were actually a few scripts written several years ago to a BJ sequel. one entitled BEETLEJUICE IN LOVE, by warren skaaren, who did a script polish on the original BEETLEJUICE. neither script met burton or keaton's standards, but both have commented in the press that they would like to do another BEETLEJUICE, however burton would take only a producer role.

by TwistedArachnid

19 years, 3 months ago

I had a major problem with Bewitched and it's the fact they changed it. When you have a working formula, don't change it, rework it a bit. Instead of keeping it a family fun movie (like they did with Herbie) they made it a PG13 thing that was just really…I dunno I hated it. But I think the numbers show for themself. I'm pretty sure Herbie beat Bewitched in the box offices (I don't know since I never checked). Toy Story 3 I have no problem with, Pixar are masters I liked 1 & 2, so I trust them for a good story and such. I wanna know where Rocky 6 can go. He's braindead and too old to box, what in the world could possibly happen?

The other movies mentioned seem possible since they were created with lasting appeal. For example, Die Hard 4, he could keep fighting terrorists, in todays world it'd be easy to believe and not seemed forced. Mummy 3 seems really whatever though. I mean their problem isn't with the movie franchise or something. The bad box office doesn't mean no one wants to see a Bewitched movie, it's called make a better movie! From what I've heard on Ghostbusters 3, it'd of been great. Except Sony would need to get off their butts and do some work. A new cartoon, more promoted comic book, commercials to rev it up. Comon a commercial stating their back in business. I imagine Dan Akroyd and Ramis or Hudson or something stating how they're back in business. I think it'd get people interested again. I think the reason it doesn't have it now, is because they won't put out an effort.


19 years, 3 months ago

What they should do is make a combine GB3 and MIBIII into one big epic movie where they have to team up against a supernatural extraterrestrial being. Maybe Cthulhu has finally woken up and has set its sights on the Big Apple?

by Para-psychology_doc

19 years, 3 months ago

No, just…. no

by venky1

19 years, 3 months ago

i love every movie with bruce willis in it. i dont think he can go wrong. but if he does die hard 4, i will lose all repect for him. they cast justin timberlake in that movie. so yea. stalone is dead to me anyway, so i wont even think of rocky and rambo as movies. i wouldnt mind a turtles 4, x3, or goonies 2. and indiana jones is having the script finalized i believe and once speilbergs ready they'll get started.

some sequels you forgot:
clerks 2: the passion of the clerks. (i believe march that comes out)
hulk 2 (please god no)


19 years, 3 months ago

TwistedArachnid Wrote:
Pixar are masters I liked 1 & 2, so I trust them for a good story and such.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but (I thought I read somewhere… I think it was on I thought that Disney was going to make Toy Story 3 and that Pixar wasn't going to be involved with that project. I read that the story was that Buzz is recalled for malfunctioning and Woody and the rest of the toys go and save him.

by DocHoliday

19 years, 2 months ago

That is the plot. dsney's doing it without Pixar. I hope they fail because I think Pixar was as much or more about the success of that movie than Disney was.

by slimer3881

19 years, 2 months ago

This is dumb. They wont make a 3rd ghostbusters, however here is a list of sequals that are soon to be out to theater within the next year or so. Please tell me why some of this crap is being remade but not GB?

Die Hard 4
Mummy 3
Daredevil 2
Indiana Jones 4
Jurassic Park 4
Fast and Furious 3
X men 3
Rocky 6
Mission Impossible 3
Scary Movie 4
Alien 5
Toy Story 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4
Terminator 4
The Goonies 2
Rambo 4
Charlie's Angels 3
BeatleJuice 2

i think Indy and X-men are the only ones i'd like to see. i dont think we need another fuckin Scary Movie, cuz you know the other 3 Scary Movies were just REALLY great movies, and that we need more of them to influence us to shove pencils in our eyes from seeing the bad sight gags and awful writing.