GB3 Poster

by TyFire

18 years, 2 months ago

What ya guys think?

by Kingpin

18 years, 2 months ago

Well… it's okay, but it doesn't use anything new.

The choice of font also seems a little bland… especially as (And no offense intended) it looks like your default font choice.

You also lose marks for using the ‘three finger’ logo. :p

by TyFire

18 years, 2 months ago

Ok, fine I sort of agree, only on a couple of reasons.

1. It's my first one.

2. It's the first GB picture I found with a Black background.

And, why the heck do i losse pionts for useing a GB logo similar to the original ones?! Yes, I know everyone has there own opinion. But I fine it a bit odd. And honesty, the only thing I thought was wong was, the text was a bit pink.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 2 months ago

Sir or madam: it's a joke around here. The reason being is that everyone and their mother has done the three fingers logo to death (quite literally). Keep in mind for Ghostbusters 2 they changed the logo, so with a Ghostbusters 3 they might want to stay the course and use a different logo as well.

by TyFire

18 years, 2 months ago

Sir or madam? Hmm… F.Y.I, I'm a dude. I diden't want to give the imprestion that I was mad, or rude or anything. Sorry.

by Kingpin

18 years, 2 months ago

Well, in Crimson's defense I wasn't sure if you were a guy or a gal either.

Sorry if I came off as a bit snobbish… but I've had an extreme dislike for the stereotypical ‘GB3’ logo for some time now.

If you're able to, I'd recommend downloading the Ghostbusters font… which I believe can be found at either DAFonts or Spook Central.

What program did you use to make it? Photoshop?

by TyFire

18 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for the advise. I wish I had Photoshop. But I used two programs to make it. microsoft picture it, and Microsoft Office Picture Manager. But I also some times use VCW VicMan's Photo Editor, for proton streams. It might be possible I could make better. But, like I said, it was the first GB Pict. I found with a black back ground.