GB3 script completed?

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

I knid of like the idea if it's done correctly. Not a cameo… Ghost Pete should tag along with the team a la Slimer and help them catch ghosts.

I suspect you'll be one of the few who likes that concept.

the only one that saw the light of day was turned into the video game story.

Huh? Where was it implied that the game script was an abandoned script for Ghostbusters 3? Seeing as the story was generated by the production of the game, with only input and possibly some rewrites from Dan and Harold, I'm extremely skeptical about it having any connection with “Ghostbusters 3”.

Thanks for the info Fritz. I would try link a copy of it, should it be on YouTube… but YouTube's website isn't cooperating.

by theling

14 years, 6 months ago

Here you go, Kingpin. From Wikipedia with lots of sources. I believe the part about Hellbent becoming GB:TVG is from IGN.

"During the 1990s, Aykroyd wrote a script for a potential third film in the series. The concept reportedly would have the characters transported to an alternate version of Manhattan called Manhellton, where the people and places are hellish versions of their originals and they meet the devil (a modified version of this script would be seen later in Ghostbusters: The Video Game)."

Although I can't source this, I am certain that I'd read that years ago Ramis and Aykroyd were unsuccessfully shopping “Hellbound” around when they were approached by Zootfly, asking if they'd welcome the chance to make it into a game.

by DocFritz

14 years, 6 months ago

I ofter this possibility: Oscar and Venkman could have a father/son dynamic… and maybe that's what's been poorly reported in the press last week. Peter refers to himself as Oscar's uncle in the second film… so without it being outrageous or unrealistic or whatever they could simply have a dynamic without the need for biological associations leaving Teh Almighty Canon intact.

I really hope that's the case, because that would work perfectly for just about everybody (unless you're one of those fans who think Venkman should be an unattached frat boy loser his whole life.)

Oscar can still be Venkman's son without Venkman being his Sperm Donor. You don't need a retconned-in biological connection to “legitimize” their father-son relationship.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

(a modified version of this script would be seen later in Ghostbusters: The Video Game)."

Don't know how they came to that conclusion in the article, the closest there is the the “Manhellton” concept is Ray and Egon's discussions about sections of the city dropping into a paranormal nightmare.

Although I can't source this, I am certain that I'd read that years ago Ramis and Aykroyd were unsuccessfully shopping “Hellbound” around when they were approached by Zootfly, asking if they'd welcome the chance to make it into a game.

As far as I was aware, the Zootfly team hadn't had any involvement/communication with the actors. If something said they did, evidently I missed it.


14 years, 6 months ago

I wonder if Oscar is aware of what happened to him when he was a baby.

OSCAR (Scared)

“Hold on! Let me understand you correctly. You're telling me that a dead 17th century Carpathian tyrant tried to possess my body in order to try to take over the world? And up until now you never thought of telling me about this?”

VENKMAN (casually)

“We never thought it was important…”

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 6 months ago

An interpertation of how these threads always end up:

by Andreas

14 years, 5 months ago

Dan Aykroyd:

I can tell you firsthand, I’m working on the script now and those two—Stupnitsky and Eisenberg, [writer-producers of The Office]—wrote Bill the comic role of a lifetime, and the new Ghostbusters and the old are all well represented in it…we have a strong first draft that Harold and I will take back, and I’m very excited about working on it.
Read more: Dan Aykroyd Writing Ghostbusters 3 Script, Selling Vodka Out Of His RV (Vanity Fair 10/5/2010)

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

Later in that article, he says:

"Now my character’s eyesight is shot, I got a bad knee, a bad hip—I can’t drive that caddy anymore or lift that Psychotron Accelerator anymore, it’s too heavy."

I'm not a huge fan of making the Ghostbusters seem THAT old. They're old guys, but not being able to drive the car? Having bad eyes, knee, and hip? Seems a little much.

Dan tends to exaggerate though.

by Vinz-2206

14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, that makes the original team sound completely incapable. I hope they don't go that far in order to create a contrast.

by DemonicGozer

14 years, 5 months ago

The more I hear about this movie, the more I hope it doesn't happen.