GB3 script completed?

by ghost_buster_x

14 years, 2 months ago

thats a movie id pay to see

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 2 months ago

The basic story beats from there are not hard to figure out either. For example, just off the top of my head:

Act 1
Re-introduction of the Ghostbusters, introduction to primary cast of characters / characters important to the story. At the end of the first Act, an event happens that makes the Ghostbusters realize that they are getting up there in age and that they need to find people to take their places

Act 2
Introduction / recruitment of the next generation of Ghostbusters. As the Ghostbusters start training their replacements as the “A” story, the “B” story could be whatever entity that is eventually going to be the primary antagonist of the story starts to rear it’s ugly head as the paranormal activities around the city progressively get worse and more intense. At the end of act, New Generation begins to go on busts on their own.

Act 3
Start with a montage showing the New Generation going on bust after bust and begin to hint towards there being some animosity growing between some of the older generation towards the younger generation as they seem to be in the lime light more than the older generation. End act 3 with a falling out causing some of the older generation (if not all) to leave the younger generation to bust on their own.

Act 4
Begin act 4 with the entity that is the primary antagonist finally showing up to do his nasty deed, have the younger generation try and stop him and get their asses handed to them. And then in their time of need…have the older generation just show up with some sort of sappy “we couldn’t let you do it alone” line. And there while facing down the antagonist, they have a cathartic “group hug” that brings them all back together and then they show that prehistoric bitch how they do things down town. End act 4 with the older generation willingly in the background and letting their younger generation take the lime light whilst the credits begin to roll.

Maybe have something after the credits (as those are all the rage) showing the new generation of ghostbusters a few weeks later being awaken at the middle of the might by a call and them trying to convince the “old timers” to go on the bust for them cause they wanted to sleep in. Essentially showing that even after the antagonist is defeated…it is back to business as usual…and the new generation is beginning to realize what they have gotten themselves into.

All that off the top of my head.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years, 2 months ago

Really? They are going with that story intro…again?
After all the head way they made with the story of the video game.


I completely agree, we already saw a “were back” movie, its called ghostbusters 2

by Walter_Peck

14 years, 1 month ago

Janine and Louis have a kid…..that kid grows up to be the Ghostbusters new receptionist and it's either Jessica Alba or Natalie Portman. Start with that and go from there.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 1 month ago

Janine and Louis have a kid…..that kid grows up to be the Ghostbusters new receptionist and it's either Jessica Alba or Natalie Portman. Start with that and go from there.

You cross Annie Potts and Rick Moranis and somehow get Jessica Alba or Natalie Portman… There seems to be a disconnect there, lol.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 1 month ago

I still believe that was just a New Years fling and Janine will have happily ended up with Egon in the long run

by Andreas

14 years, 1 month ago

'Ghostbusters III' a no-go without Bill Murray

His latest movie may be called “No Strings Attached,” but it seems there are quite a few hitches involved in getting director Ivan Reitman's planned “Ghostbusters” sequel off the ground.
"All of the actors but one have read and loved it," Reitman tells CNN of “Ghostbusters III.” "We're waiting for one of them to read it and see where we are.”
The holdout?

“That would be the famous Bill Murray — Mr. Venkman," Reitman says of the quirky karaoke crasher/funnyman, who starred alongside Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis in “Ghostbusters” (1984) and “Ghostbusters II” (1989).
Reitman, 64, adds that he feels the latest installment is better than the previous two movies. “I'm really jazzed about it,” he tells CNN.
And if Murray doesn't like it? “We have a very complicated deal,“ says Reitman. ”Let's just put it that way."

by slimelord1

14 years, 1 month ago

Here's to hoping Bill likes the script and agrees to do the movie after so long.

by Nix

14 years, 1 month ago

I still believe that was just a New Years fling and Janine will have happily ended up with Egon in the long run

She was under the pink slime's influence.

If not that, then she was definitely under the influence of something.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

14 years, 1 month ago

She was under the pink slime's influence.

If not that, then she was definitely under the influence of something.

Nah, she just has a thing for brainy guys.