GB3 script completed?

by theling

14 years, 1 month ago





Bill, take your time and make a choice based on your instinct, not on the tremendous pressure building around this. I think it was extremely unwise to have put the “make it or break it” choice on him alone. I know he's the holdout, but some people who are being pressured on all sides will throw up their arms and say, “forget it.” We don't really need that kind of dissemination, so leave Bill alone and he'll tell us when he's good and ready.

by Andreas

14 years, 1 month ago

Ivan Reitman says ‘Ghostbusters 3’ script is ready

LOS ANGELES — Power up that Proton Pack: “Ghostbusters 3” is closer to becoming a reality.Ivan Reitman, who directed and produced the first two “Ghostbusters” movies, says “a very good script” for the third installment in the comic ghost-hunting tale has been sent to star Bill Murray.
Reitman said Friday that “nothing you've read on the Internet is accurate” and that Murray hasn't yet read the “Ghostbusters 3” script.
But the filmmaker is confident about its content, saying “it's good enough to do, to take the risk of doing again.”
Reitman's latest project is the romantic comedy “No Strings Attached,” starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It opens Jan. 21.

by Andreas

14 years ago

Exclusive: Bill Murray ‘has seen Ghostbusters script’

Director Ivan Reitman has revealed that he is keeping his “fingers crossed” that Bill Murray will accept an offer to star in Ghostbusters 3.

Reitman, whose latest movie No Strings Attached debuts in the UK this Friday, confirmed to Digital Spy that Murray has the script for the sequel.

"He's seen it and we're waiting to hear,“ Reitman said.

”He's seen the cover of it!" interjected the filmmaker's No Strings Attached star Asthon Kutcher.

“Thank you for putting that so well,” Reitman added. “Fingers crossed!”

Asked if Kutcher could star as one of the new generation of Ghostbusters in the proposed movie, Reitman said that the idea was “absolutely possible”.

Click ‘play’ below to watch Ivan Reitman discuss Ghostbusters 3.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years ago

I may be in the minority but I honestly wouldn't mind Ashton Kutcher being a Ghostbuster. If you've seen him in stuff outside of That 70's Show, the guy can actually act, and has pretty good comedic timing.

Not saying he's going to be an Oscar winner or anything, but he's pretty good in my eyes.

by vigo_the_butch1

14 years ago

Doctor Venkman;169439
I may be in the minority but I honestly wouldn't mind Ashton Kutcher being a Ghostbuster. If you've seen him in stuff outside of That 70's Show, the guy can actually act, and has pretty good comedic timing.

Not saying he's going to be an Oscar winner or anything, but he's pretty good in my eyes.

I dont think I would mind ashton either

by slimelord1

14 years ago

I wouldn't mind Ashton either, I think he's funny and could pull off being a GB pretty well.

by jay_tigran1

14 years ago

I could see Ashton as a GB sure. I loved his work in Butterfly Effect & That 70's Show.

The dude can act when he wants to

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years ago

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who liked The Butterfly Effect.

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years ago

Ya know… I've been waiting for the day when I finally see an article that says “Bill Murray Says Yes.”

I'm going to print off that article, and frame it.

by batman2

14 years ago

I'm a huge fan of That 70's Show, got all the DVD's and would not be bothered if Ashton was in GBIII.