Peter Venkmen;169584batman2;169571
To be honest I think he is going to do it, he is just winding people up now by saying he has not read it.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Apparently when he got the script for Groundhog Day, it took him like forever just to read the first 10 pages. Bill clearly has a tendency to put things off, either intentionally or non-intentionally.
Yep, I read that comment as well, but for some reason I have a feeling it is all going to happen.
Someone on the Matty forums said he came accross a video on YouTube where some guys were showing there Ecto-1 to Dan and getting there Trap and Packs signed, Dan looks at the Traps and say's, yes we used these in GB & GBII, they are old you should see the equipment we have in the new movie.
With comments like that and things like the Crystal Vodka and Blues Brothers road show being put on hold due to GBIII commitments, it just seems like the planets are ligning up.