GB3 script completed?

by Andreas

13 years, 9 months ago

Dan Aykroyd: “We hope to make the movie with Bill Murray – that’s where we’re standing (…) there’s a great story to be told.”

by mrpecker2

13 years, 9 months ago

To paraphrase Alasdair Wilkins over at the Gawker Network, considering Bill Murray has (to our knowledge) still not read the script and already signed up to play Franklin Delano Roosevelt in another movie…it all sounds pretty unreliable and probably should be taken with a massive heaping of salt until we hear something more substantial.

Does Murray really SIGN ON to any movie these days though? I seem to remember reading on several occasions that he will give a verbal “okay” and the crew has to wait to see if he'll show up on the first day of shooting. Lost In Translation springs to mind. Might have something to do with having no agent….

So who knows? The Rossevelt thing doesn't necessarily count it out 100%. But of course there's nothing to suggest otherwise, as well.

I'll believe it when we see an official press release from Sony. Until then, there is no GB3.

by shaunryan825

13 years, 9 months ago

To paraphrase Alasdair Wilkins over at the Gawker Network, considering Bill Murray has (to our knowledge) still not read the script and already signed up to play Franklin Delano Roosevelt in another movie…it all sounds pretty unreliable and probably should be taken with a massive heaping of salt until we hear something more substantial.
i can explain why he hasn`t read gb3 script and did the other script instead. he likes doing movies that aren`t sequels or prequels and its a rare oppertunity to get him to do them

by theling

13 years, 8 months ago

My guess is that Bill not reading the script means Bill's not doing the film. After all, Dan has stated that he had all his ducks lined up for spring. Well, spring is officially over in several short days.

It's kind of a dis towards Dan… you'd think if he had no intention of doing the film that he'd actually say it….

by gbfan11

13 years, 8 months ago

Found this today, just thought I would share. It is what it is, all I'm saying.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 8 months ago

And until there is an actual announcement from Sony, it is honestly nothing.

Like castewar said over on Proton Charging:
Sony Consumer Products has to deal as if the movie is coming and has to talk about it with a date in mind, but this is not the same as there being a greenlit date necessarily

by batman2

13 years, 8 months ago

A relaunch of the Ghosbusters Franchise sounds like a reboot to me, otherwise why would they not say Ghostbusters 3 then.

by devilmanozzy1

13 years, 8 months ago

A relaunch of the Ghosbusters Franchise sounds like a reboot to me, otherwise why would they not say Ghostbusters 3 then.

Yeah, thats what I thought too. Clearly the person that wrote that didn't know much of the project. Dan has not suggested a reboot, therefore that is bunk.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 8 months ago

Relaunch doesn't necessarily mean reboot.

It just means that they want to relaunch the franchise, and bring it back into the limelight.

Think of it like the McRib. It gets relaunched every year… not made with a different recipe.

by mrpecker2

13 years, 8 months ago

When I hear “relaunch”, I think of “passing the torch”. I'm sure they're still intending to bring the original four back, but they'll be making room for the new crew to hopefully “relaunch” the series into further sequels.