GB3 script completed?

by theling

13 years, 8 months ago

Well, thinking realistically, I really think Sony wants the $$$ from a reboot/relaunch so the closest we may get is a pass-the-torch situation where Ray, Egon and Winston pass the torch in the first 20 minutes and then we get Seth Green (groan), Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen (rolleyes) Ghostbusting between fart jokes for the next 1.5 hours. *sigh*

It's not what I want… but I can imagine Sony must be getting impatient with Dan only having 99.9% of the people on board (just guess which single person counts for the missing 0.1%). Ghostbusters as a film franchise is a potential cash cow for the demographic that matters (tweens, young adults) and it's sitting in the barn doing nothing.

SONY EXEC 1: Has Dan got his crew together yet?
SONY EXEC 2: No… still holding out for Murray.
SONY EXEC 1: F this. We've been holding out for years. Let's reboot and recast.

I'm not trolling and I don't want to be wrong… (crosses fingers… PLEASE Bill read the damn script!!) I have a lot of faith in Dan and in this new script he's written.

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 8 months ago

I know I've probably already posted (didn't feel like looking through all 20 pages) but I am not crossing my fingers about Ghostbusters 3. Personally, I think it would be pretty weird to have a sequel that takes place 20 years into the future of Ghostbusters 2. I've seen pictures of Bill Murray lately and he's going bald. Harold Ramis has grey hair and is in his 60s now. Dan Aykroyd's looking old too. Ernie is as old as Harold. They did make a sequel through the video game which storywise is better than what they could with live action now. Plus Bill Murray has said he will only be in it if he's a ghost for most of the movie. It also doesn't help that Bill doesn't have a good relationship with Harold Ramis anymore. It really won't be as good now as it would've been back in the early 90s when everybody in the cast was much younger. Plus kids of younger generations aren't really into ghostbusters. I'm sure if you were in public and asked some 10 year old kid if he liked ghostbusters he probably wouldn't know what you were talking about or would say they were stupid. That's been my experience with the younger kids I have spoken to about it

by Kingpin

13 years, 8 months ago

I think that if done well, a good sequel can successfully sidestep the fact it's 20 years after the original. Tron Legacy was damn good, despite the fact it was two decades after the original (although I suppose it could be argued that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is proof against the idea).

It all depends on the execution, and the people producing it.

Bill Murray going bald and, Harold now having grey hair and Ernie being the same age as Harold really aren't good enough reasons to rule out a sequel. Harold's weight, and even Dan's to an extent are certainly more realistic ones to be concerned about, not their hair colour.

by Durstlimpbizkit

13 years, 8 months ago

I think that if done well, a good sequel can successfully sidestep the fact it's 20 years after the original. Tron Legacy was damn good, despite the fact it was two decades after the original (although I suppose it could be argued that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is proof against the idea).

It all depends on the execution, and the people producing it.

Bill Murray going bald and, Harold now having grey hair and Ernie being the same age as Harold really aren't good enough reasons to rule out a sequel. Harold's weight, and even Dan's to an extent are certainly more realistic ones to be concerned about, not their hair colour.

Yes but let's be fair; Aykroyd got marginally fatter from GB1 to GB2; and who's really going to care… they're expected to be old, and honestly there are actors the same age who look FAR worse.

That being said I really hope people put the Murray as a Ghost myth to bed… it was a preliminary thing that was a rumor (not verified by anyone) and in the most recent news it's not even being mentioned anymore. I still want it to happen; it's one of the few movie properties that deserves a send-off… I mean the 2nd movies WASN'T THAT BAD! I wish people would stop being so harsh about it… I would love to see where the series ends for the core 4… I just think they deserve it.

by Nix

13 years, 8 months ago

Plus kids of younger generations aren't really into ghostbusters. I'm sure if you were in public and asked some 10 year old kid if he liked ghostbusters he probably wouldn't know what you were talking about or would say they were stupid. That's been my experience with the younger kids I have spoken to about it

No, I don't think so, at least not in some areas. I went to that October 10 screening in Duffy Park back in '08 and all the kids were cheering it on. They laughed at the funny bits and screamed at the frightening bits, and they all knew (or sort of knew) what it was.

Dan Aykroyd said something like that, too, that his film will live on because young children (in his words) are at some stage fascinated by questions of life after death.

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 8 months ago

No, I don't think so, at least not in some areas. I went to that October 10 screening in Duffy Park back in '08 and all the kids were cheering it on. They laughed at the funny bits and screamed at the frightening bits, and they all knew (or sort of knew) what it was.

Dan Aykroyd said something like that, too, that his film will live on because young children (in his words) are at some stage fascinated by questions of life after death.
Sorry. I aksed my cousin's friend who's 14 if he liked ghostbusters and he said it was stupid. He used these words to describe what the ghostbusters do. “They suck ghosts into Vacuum cleaners.” I didn't say much to him after that.

by gbfan11

13 years, 8 months ago

Sorry. I aksed my cousin's friend who's 14 if he liked ghostbusters and he said it was stupid. He used these words to describe what the ghostbusters do. “They suck ghosts into Vacuum cleaners.” I didn't say much to him after that.

Well my six year old daughter loves it. She watches the cartoons on her own, I don't even have to say anything. She will sometimes walk around the house just singing the song, she thinks it's really cool!!! I'm sure I had something to do with that. My wife and I dressed up as ghostbusters last year for halloween and she even went to our daughters school in costume and all the kids just loved it!!! Kids do like ghostbusters, maybe not snotty teens, but the 12 and under crowd does like it if exposed in the proper way. I started my daughter on the cartoon, then went ot the movies, and I think that is the best way.

by batman2

13 years, 8 months ago

I have to say that the way you show the film for the first time to someone will have a huge effect. I first saw Ghostbusters on the big screen at the cinema when it first came out and the sound was fantastic and also the screen was huge almost IMAX size when compared to how small cinema screens are these days.
So when I show Ghostbusters to new people I show it to them in my home theatre with full 7.1 DTS sound system to totally draw them in to the experience, and it works I have not had a negative response yet.
I think if you showed it to someone in a bright room during the day with stereo sound then you are missing out on a huge part of the experience.

by Brendan_M

13 years, 8 months ago

anyone cat Dan Aykroyd's Tweet about an hour ago? It read this:

“Re: GB3 - I'm really happy to be back in the trenches working on something real. The premise is good, the story is good. It looks promising.”

So…does this mean GB3 is a go?

by vigo_the_butch1

13 years, 8 months ago

GB Freak;171688
anyone cat Dan Aykroyd's Tweet about an hour ago? It read this:

“Re: GB3 - I'm really happy to be back in the trenches working on something real. The premise is good, the story is good. It looks promising.”

So…does this mean GB3 is a go?

I saw that…….i wonder if he heard something from Bill