GB3 script completed?

by Zombie

13 years, 2 months ago

Holy crap! Did Murray really do that or is it just the media blowing things out of proportions?

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 2 months ago

It's the National Enquirer people… The comicbook website article is making fun of the article in saying “The almost always reliable…”

The Enquirer isn't reliable for anything other than keeping the homeless warm. They make crap up and exaggerate any story they print. It's a tabloid.

by Dr.D

13 years, 2 months ago

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a Patrick sighting…

Shit just got real.

In all honesty, this story is most likely rubbish. I wouldn't take anything away from this.

by GB3

13 years, 2 months ago

This just can't be a true rumor. Its all coming from the National Enquirer. I mean my brother told me about this too. Heres where I read it first:

The fact I go onto a couple of movie/tv news sites (,,, this has never been reported on those sites. So I can't see it being true. And I think its not just Ramis and Ackroyd that Murray would act so rude to. I mean he'd have to explain himself to Ivan Reitman, a buddy that Murray has said he “owes alot to”. If the script was this bad I don't think Sony would be behind this. The article implies
that Murray doesn't think people want to see fat old men chasing ghosts. I'm assuming the old Ghostbusters aren't really suppose to be doing this other than training the new team. So the rumor that the old GB's are chasing ghosts in the script just doesn't jive as accurate. I don't expect them to be chasing ghosts literally in the story. But thats just me.

Bill Murray Kills Ghostbusters 3 Again, Shreds The Script

Index Page

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 2 months ago

This just can't be a true rumor. Its all coming from the National Enquirer. I mean my brother told me about this too. Heres where I read it first:

The fact I go onto a couple of movie/tv news sites (,,, this has never been reported on those sites. So I can't see it being true. And I think its not just Ramis and Ackroyd that Murray would act so rude to. I mean he'd have to explain himself to Ivan Reitman, a buddy that Murray has said he “owes alot to”. If the script was this bad I don't think Sony would be behind this. The article implies
that Murray doesn't think people want to see fat old men chasing ghosts. I'm assuming the old Ghostbusters aren't really suppose to be doing this other than training the new team. So the rumor that the old GB's are chasing ghosts in the script just doesn't jive as accurate. I don't expect them to be chasing ghosts literally in the story. But thats just me.

Even the link you posted links to the National Enquirer. The Enquirer is not reliable, plain and simple. Any reputable news site hasn't reported this.

Any website picking this up is a tabloid-style site that's just looking to get hits.

Ignore this rumor folks.

Bill Murray Kills Ghostbusters 3 Again, Shreds The Script

Index Page

by mrpecker2

13 years, 2 months ago

The Enquirer has also reported that Bill Murray is also an alien from the planet Workick and has a love child with Miley Cyrus that will appear in Ghostbusters 3 as Oswald, the child from Ghostbusters 2.

by matthew1

13 years, 2 months ago

I don't believe this story for one second. I think it's just one of those stupid rumors that probably sprang out of nothing.