GB3 script completed?

by Andreas

15 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;155141

Great news.

Finally, Murray said yes. I thought, “Well, we have a good script. Why not?” Ivan Reitman said yes. It came be done. It can happen.
And even a new plot spoiler :

And there will be inter-dimensional creatures visiting New York.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

Or we watch the movie and in 2012 it all ends, well we get to see the movie. :-)

Glad to see the movie is moving forward, I just wait for it to be in production. I know that won't be “finished” but in production is much better than “we want to do ti”.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

Does anyone else feel that the inclusion of inter-dimensional creatures and this “inter-planetary interceptor” thing Aykroyd mentioned back in the day, that it's possible this movie is going to be a little too far into the realm of science fiction? From all the random tidbits that we've been told, it seems to be less spooky and more alien. I just worry that if they really are adding this stuff in that they've mentioned that we'll get something too cartoony or just isn't ghostbusters.

by Andreas

15 years, 5 months ago

Aykroyd speaks GB3 on SF morning radio

Not working … Anyone able to listen to it?

by austinthe5thgb

15 years, 5 months ago

with the interdimensional creatures the script is probably talking about a diety form, gozer was a inter-dimensional being, so dont expect major sci-fi just normal ghostbusting. im thinking something with lucifer will be about this. if yall recall when gb3 and 4 was rumored back in 2000 it was based on hell on earth scenario. that would make sense you start out ghostbusters are taking care of business but getting older and this major inter-dimensional phenomenon occurs and they have to take in new recruits to counter the high amount of busts and have them eventually replace them. the ending will probably be as epic as gb1 but with a new fab 4. i cant wait and hope this happens.

by austinthe5thgb

15 years, 5 months ago

witht he link if you scroll down on the comments for the post a person has posted the dl link, not too much info involved that we dont already know, most of it is about improv and akroyds new vodka

by Andreas

15 years, 5 months ago

witht he link if you scroll down on the comments for the post a person has posted the dl link, not too much info involved that we dont already know, most of it is about improv and akroyds new vodka

  • script “looks really good”, of course not final
  • production this fall? (still no production no.), but
  • “It's closer than it's ever been.”
  • with 2/3 of the original cast

by JimmyPSHayes

15 years, 5 months ago

I'm getting really excited that this is moving forward. I've got fingers crossed that it'll actually get MADE this time.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 4 months ago

by imported_E-DUBB

15 years, 4 months ago

during the Toronto Film Festival here some actors were talking about Ghostbusters III in the newspapers. There was one really good column i read but i dont know where i put it.

also i was at the theater last night and one of the big screen pre-movie fillers was Ghostbusters III and paranormal activity.

i got very excited.