GB3 script completed?

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 9 months ago

Sad but Ghostbusters Generation is coming out plus fan made GH SLC is good and going to be a series. SO, if GB 3 flops, again, we have GB stuff coming.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 9 months ago

Sad but Ghostbusters Generation is coming out plus fan made GH SLC is good and going to be a series. SO, if GB 3 flops, again, we have GB stuff coming.

What's sad? Them going into pre-production in the fall?

I don't get it…

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 9 months ago

Sad that nothing can be confirmed. One actor says not going to happen, another says yes. No script, well a finished script in site, and starting “in the fall” has been used for YEARS. It is sad that this movie is like a class 5 full roaming vapor, keyword VAPOR as it seemingly will never materialize. I hope I am wrong, but right now I am not holding my breath.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 9 months ago

Sad that nothing can be confirmed. One actor says not going to happen, another says yes. No script, well a finished script in site, and starting “in the fall” has been used for YEARS. It is sad that this movie is like a class 5 full roaming vapor, keyword VAPOR as it seemingly will never materialize. I hope I am wrong, but right now I am not holding my breath.
Well if what Harold said is true then it will be next year when the script is completed. If it does come out in Christmas of 12 I hope I get to see it.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 9 months ago

Well if what Harold said is true then it will be next year when the script is completed. If it does come out in Christmas of 12 I hope I get to see it.

Optimal word in your post is IF. I am hoping GB3 comes, like all ghostheads, but after a while ifs and maybes get old. They need to just hold all info till a full green light is given.

by Dominics_81

14 years, 9 months ago

In the GB 3 sequel I would want to see Samhain as the Ghostbusters villian for some reason I think Samhaine was a cool villian it could be because his head is a pumpkin and I'm a big Halloween fan :-)

by Andreas

14 years, 6 months ago

Big Shiny Robot talks to Big Ernie Hudson

Are you kind of on the outskirts of the talks and all that jazz?
Over the past year or so I’ve talked to the main players. I’ve talked to Sigourney Weaver. I’ve talked to Bill, Danny, Harold and Ivan Reitman. Everybody is like, “Yah, we want to do it, but…” And that’s the “but”. Getting everyone to agree with what needs to be done. I think Bill especially wants to make it something exceptional. What that means to him may be different to what it means to Ivan Reitman or Danny Aykroyd. I know everybody wants to do it. But getting them to agree on a script . For me, I think if we just get a script together, so much of it happened on the moment of the set that it’ll be fine. But that’s just my opinion. I’m the last guy *chuckles* that has any input. But I’d love to see it happen.

by TaxiCabFloor

14 years, 6 months ago

So now Venkman is supposedly Oscars dad in the current GB3 script? Yikes.

Maybe this works out? Maybe not?

by Vinz-2206

14 years, 6 months ago

If true, it doesn't sit too well with me. I always felt GB2 made it pretty clear that the guy Dana married was Oscar's Dad.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

It did, to make Venkman Oscar's Dad either upsets the timeline established by the movie… or suggests Venkman and Dana had an affair whilst she was married.

Lazy, lazy plot developing if you ask me, utterly absurd.