GB3 script completed?


14 years, 6 months ago

Venkman is Oscars father??? Who? What? Where? When?

Is this what's supposedly in the latest script? Where did this information come from?

Personally speaking I don't think that Dana or Oscar should be in Ghostbusters III. I never cared for those characters and I think that if a new film is made it should try to tell a completely fresh story. I don't want another Ghostbusters film where Dana is central to the problem.

by batman2

14 years, 6 months ago

Estranged Love Child the Newest ‘Ghost Buster’?!

Oh boy do we have a scoop that has still got me in a daze! It's no secret that Columbia Pictures' Ghostbusters 3 - being penned by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky - will introduce a new team of young Ghost Busters that will have proton packs, PKE meters and the famed Ecto-1 passed on to them by Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winton (Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, and Ernie Hudson, respectively). Early reports indicate that the quartet have signed on, and are in fact ready to pass the torch to some youngins – but it's what we learned that truly gives the story some much-needed depth. Details inside.


Much like Steven Spielberg did with Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (where Mutt Williams is Indy and Marion's love-child), Ivan Reitman is looking to kick-start a new franchise with a ghost bustin' love-child of their own.

Early word from an insider is that the (hinted at) love affair between Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray) and Dana Barrett (Sigourney Weaver) has a much bigger impact on the franchise than just an angry Vigo (Wilhelm von Homburg).

From what we're told, it will be revealed that Dana's son Oscar is in fact Peter's child as well. Furthermore, Oscar is now 21-ish and ready to take the reigns of his father's ghost busting business!

It's an important plot point as it gives a lot of weight to the actual story, and takes it from being “just another sequel” to having a real purpose (so long as they don't pull an Indiana Jones IV).

In addition to the four Ghost Busters, Rick Moranis (who will be coming out of retirement for this) and Sigourney Weaver are expected to return as well. Still no word on how close the film is to actually going into production, but word has it things are actually progressing nicely (contrary to what Murray is saying).

If GHOSTBUSTERS III Ever Gets Made, Guess Who'll Be Strapping On A Proton Pack?

According to Bloody-Disgusting's Brad Miska, screenwriters Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky are planning to use Dana Barrett's all-growns-up son Oscar as the link between the young and old Ghostbusters in the (possibly) forthcoming third installment of the series. What's more (and this might be a spoiler, so stop reading now if you don't want to know too much), it's going to be revealed that Oscar is of Peter Venkman's loins!

If Eisenberg and Stupnitsky are still writing Venkman as a ghost, then this makes perfect sense: basically, Oscar would be taking over the family business (which brought his parents together in the first place), and, perhaps, trying to restore honor to his dead and disgraced dad. As Miska notes, this would give GHOSTBUSTERS III a compelling emotional hook; it would also be kind of poignant if Aykroyd's nerdy Ray Stantz - who never married - becomes a mentor to his best friend's son (just an idea). I've been pretty indifferent to GHOSTBUSTERS III throughout its long development, but, for some reason, this idea gives me hope that they could at least outdo the mediocre second film.

Murray's been skeptical lately about the possibility of the third movie going before cameras anytime soon, but I'm sure Aykroyd will keep after it. I guess it's up to Eisenberg and Stupnitsky to deliver a screenplay that'll convince Sony to cough up the $100 million-plus budget this project will almost certainly require. If everyone's on board (and there seems to be a belief that even Rick Moranis will come out of retirement for this), then I'm sure Murray will relent.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 6 months ago

Bogus internet rumors.

I find it hard to believe that Aykroyd would allow such a lame soap opera twist to the overall storyline of Ghostbusters.

by DocFritz

14 years, 6 months ago

Oscar as Venkman's spiritual/adopted, son, whom Venkman raised since Oscar was eight months old? More than appropriate and workable.

An assinine retcon where Oscar becomes Venkman's biological child? Massive, steaming pile of fail.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

All it ends up being is a contrived “soap opera” storyline, as Dan so brilliantly put it, and painting Venkman and Dana in a pretty bad light: Venkman as an even bigger sleaze who slept with a married woman, and Dana as a two-timing her husband, “The Stiff” and witholding the knowledge that Peter was a father from him.

I can't see why people were raving about Eisenberg and Stupnitsky when that info came to light, most of the stuff, rumoured or otherwise that I've heard concerning the script I haven't liked… and I think Year One's overall success is a pretty good indication why they shouldn't have been brought on.

A lot of the stuff we've heard to date has annoyed me, this latest rumour is the one that's made me the most angry.

Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis as the writers, or no new movie.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 6 months ago

I will see how this goes. Noting in this suggests an affair. Nothing in GB2 gave specific time lines to when Dana left Venkman, got married, and conceived Oscar. Just random “you could have been his father”.

This happens in real life: Couple is together, intimately, then break up. Woman finds another man and falls for him, fate might give her “the one” and they are made for each other. They start to be intimate close to the last time the woman was intimate with the previous guy. Oops, they find out they are pregnant later and assume it is theirs, marry and move on. With TWO men being intimate with a woman so close, it is a crap shoot at who is the father. If they do that, would make perfect logical sense. I haven't watched GB2 in a while, so I think I remember there were not distinct time lines between the breakup and Dana's new guy.

by Kingpin

14 years, 6 months ago

It'd been long enough for Dana and the Stiff to get into a serious relationship, get married, have Oscar and him decide to go off to Europe, it's a fair bet that whole series of events took a bit more than 18 months in length.

by cpm72586

14 years, 6 months ago

Couple concerns with all this news. First, Oscar should not be Pete's bilogical son. It just makes no sense in the timeline. You would think if Pete and Dana had an affair or fooled around one night after her husband had left he would have been suspicious of the child being his. I guess they could try to explain it in the movie, but why bother? It's just as well if Pete took on Oscar and raised him as his own son.
Secondly, I'm still no fan of this Venkman as a ghost thing. I suppose it could give the movie an emotional spark, but at the same time it's kind of depressing. I think he's a lot of people's favorite character and to kill him off seems like a risky move.
Thirdly, casting Oscar and any other new team members will be critical. I do not want to see anyone from the Judd Apatow clan in this movie. Granted there's only one person from Apatow's posse that would fit the role for Oscar, and that's Michael Cera, but he doesn't seem interested anyways. But really, I don't want any high profile comedic actors in this movie. Whether it's Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill etc… The list goes on. I say cast relative unknowns for Oscar and his new team of GB's.

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 6 months ago

Thirdly, casting Oscar and any other new team members will be critical. I do not want to see anyone from the Judd Apatow clan in this movie. Granted there's only one person from Apatow's posse that would fit the role for Oscar, and that's Michael Cera, but he doesn't seem interested anyways. But really, I don't want any high profile comedic actors in this movie. Whether it's Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill etc… The list goes on. I say cast relative unknowns for Oscar and his new team of GB's.


I don't want any of the Apatow clan fudging this movie up with obscure idiotic reference humor. The GB movies relied on the individual presence of each character to be funny, not by referencing something that not enough people know about. That's what almost all Apatow/Rogen humor is, just 1.5 hours of esoteric dialogue.

I must say that the whole Venkman/Oscar rumor seems a bit full circle and forced, but I have to say that I like it. It's not like it brings the story down, and honestly Venkman's seed is so potent the guy probably made half of Manhattan pregnant.


14 years, 6 months ago

I think that having Venkman be Oscars real father is not only nonsense but completely unecessary. Why not just make Venkman Oscars stepfather? Doing this will keep the storyline true to the preceding films and will still allow the idea of Venkman passing the Ghostbusting business on, only it will be his stepson rather than his son.