GB3 script idea.

by Sinister

22 years, 3 months ago

explain pls….

by ProdigalSon

22 years, 3 months ago

i don't know an army of ghostbusters. that doesn't sit right with me. Dr. Zedmore are you implying that he went back to school to get his Ph.d? i'm just wondering. the chopper idea is @#$#%@% awesome though. you idea isn't too bad though. getting it to be noticed though isn't verly likely i have to admit. also using your idea assembling a crack team of the best ghostbusters could be a way to introduce a new group of GB like the script calls for. each one could be from a different place and mentioned like this is so and so from the moscow branch and what's her name from the milwaukee, wi branch. it would also cut down on the travel expense for the movie and still give it your international GB feel. just a thought. all in all it sounds promising. maybe you should write your own script for it or work with someone and submit it to the fan fiction section, i'd read it.

by Quito

22 years, 3 months ago

GB3 will rule as long as it has all the old cast in it

by bizdog

22 years, 3 months ago

Im about to shoot you down in detail, because you asked for it - but seriously, dont read this if you put your heart into the above. Its jsut that, for some reason, people always post similar GB3 ideas, and dont take into account what makes GB a great film.

>13 years after the events in GB2 The
>Ghostbusters are well respected and
>recognised as authentics.

-You are defying the beauty of the Ghostbusters as being underdogs. The fact that they save the world after being thought of as crap is an absolutely amazing and fulfilling ending to the film. Granted a rehash of the underdog concept in GB2 just seemed trite. But then again, do we really want to see the GBs as business types, professionals, wearing suits to work and going to board meetings??? God no.

>The GBs are now the 4th emergency
>service and Ghostbuster training
>acadamys are situated all over the
>world, the founder school being in NYC.
Oh, come on - how are you going to present a threat that would be battled by such a vast amount of characters?!!? Furthermore, where's teh beauty in characterization?!? The four ghostbusters arent just four guys with proton packs - they're carefully constructed, easily identifiable individuals with personality, not droves of neutrona spewing clones.

>In the founder school you have Dr
>Spengler giving technical lectures in >labs about the proton pack technology, >Dr. Zedmorre giving practical
>demonstrations on how to use the
>equipment, with huge rooms for
>military style training. Dr. Stantz is
>running the acadamys and resides in
>and office and “Dr” Venkman and Mrs
>Venkman (Dana) have emigrated to Spain.
Wait - WHAT?! You are turning this film into Men In Black: Ghostbusters, as if its the similar kind of elite organization. That is not the essense of Ghostbusters - keep them seperate.

>Vehicles are of top priority and Ecto-
>1 type Beta are being mass produced
>aswell as attack choppers equiped with
>Proton streams and Mobile ECUs and
>Asault bikes.
Oh god, here come the toys. One of the problems with GB2 was that it expanded on the equipment when there wasnt a necessity for it. I know some of you out there are Ecto 1A lovers - i am not. I frankly think its ugly, and unnecessary. Also, including the Slime Blowers was just lame - who actually thought those were cool? Four proton packs and the Ecto - dont ruin this by outdoing it to death.

>Following the scripts ideas: Hell is
>crowded and its inhabitants are forced
>into the world after a load of scenes
>where the different international GBs
>fighting Ghosts in world renowned
>locations (Buckingham palace, Sydney
>opera house, Eiffle towere etc.
Er - how are you going to juggle these scenes?! It would jsut be watching one bust after another bust after another bust - instead, why not just edit all the busts from the RGB and XGB episodes together? It may make for fun, but it wont make for a good movie.

>The original GBs recieve the Venkman
>golfer message from God and soon
>relise they need to launch an assault
>on Hell and Hadies, with most of the
>GB troops battling to keep the world
>sane, Spengler, Stantz and Zedmorre
>realise that they need to assemble a
>crack team to launch the assault, but
>the only people qualified to lead the
>attack are themselves.
Ok, 1 - what the heck is the golfer message from God? 2 - out of curiosity, out of thousands of Ghostbusters being trained in high tech facilities and with amazing equipment, there are only THREE PEOPLE FOR THE JOB?!

>So after many years, and 10lbs later
>they lead the attack! When they have
>infiltrated Hell The army of GBs fight
>against the Demons with the best
>technology they have whilst the 3
>stars split from the groop to find >Hadies…..

More like fifty pounds later. What you have effectively written is Ghostbusters as a war movie. Saving Private Ghostbuster - no, better yet, Apocolypse Ghostbusters Now.

Look, what youve got there is a nice bit of fan fic. But you asked what we thought about it for a GB3 movie. and i said i didnt like it. and you said to elaborate, which i have. as fanfic, its neat, but as a movie, it wouldnt work because your missing the point about why ghostbusters is a good movie. its not good because there is just bust after bust by faceless ghostbuster after faceless ghostbuster.


by Sinister

22 years, 3 months ago

Thanks, I have no probs with constructive criticism, which yours was, taking your critisism into mind, I will alter SOME of the script as I see your points, and am frankly quite glad you raised them. The worldwide busts WILL remain the same though, however they will be short clips as seen in all ghostbuster movies. There are 8 main charachters: Egon, ray, Winston, Peter, Louis, Thompson, Hawk and Janine, and the script focuses on them mostly.

Alao I will find a way to create an underdog theme, possibly the autorities decide that the Gbs have had their time and want to shut the operation down.

The vehicles Will be used but the Ecto-1s will be modeled on the 1st version rather than the 1-A!

The “war” theme is not in it as such, the two armies colliding, will not be focused on in great detail, merely will be there to show the extent of the disaster.

My final adition is that the originals will not be seperated for long.

Once again thanks for the criticism, I will do my best to rectify this.

by WayneW.

22 years, 3 months ago

I think this sounds good. smile

by Subway_Ghost

22 years, 3 months ago

I`m actually confused as to how the Ghostbusters became underdogs in the second movie. I mean, the judge and some other don`t believe in ghosts, yet a 100-foot marshmellow man came stomping down the street. Let me tell ya something, if a 100-foot marshmellow man came stomping down the street it would be more remembered than 9/11 ever would be.

by Sinister

22 years, 2 months ago


by Sinister

22 years, 1 month ago

Well, this script is finished! With regards to Bizdog, I have taken i nto account your comments, and improved the script to regain that original GB theme, but my plot synopsis is still accurate.

The script will be entered into Kingpins conteat to begin with, and then uploaded onto a website speciffically for my script or GB.Net V2, if the fanfic section accomodates MS Word page layout(Paragraphs & indents).

by roberto182

22 years ago

very good