GB3 Soundtrack

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years ago

I thought it was okay… for no apparent reason we put it up on the RPG as a joke.

What befuddles me though, is that when I downloaded it - whoever had it said that the artist was Michael Jackson…

Eck. :-@

by DJSlash

20 years, 4 months ago

Some people may recognize who I am from my dance music .. if not it's alright .. but .. I don't know if anyone realises this .. but .. my good friend DJ MarbraX from France has made an Extraordinary remix of the Ghostbusters theme .. entitled .. “ Ghostbusters 2003 ” .. it's a house remix .. and it was Extremly hot for 6 months strait and probably more on the top 10 in canada .. If anyone wants to have it search for “ DJ MarbraX - Ghostbusters 2003 ” … or messege me and i can send you it.. It could be a nice possibility .. cause it's the original tune .. mixed around .. it's really neat!

DJ Slash!

by proton_user1

20 years, 4 months ago

i would like to see new mixed with old…old for nostalgia and new for a new film….simple

by fixer791

20 years, 4 months ago

Y'know what band should be on the GBIII soundtrack?


Nuf said

by BackInBlack

20 years, 3 months ago

:-) :p I personally think its theme song should either be a new version of Hells Bells, Highway To Hell or Back In Black!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*peter) (*ray) (*_*) :p :-) (^_^)

by WinstonZeddmorreGB

20 years, 3 months ago

Back In Black
:-) :p I personally think its theme song should either be a new version of Hells Bells, Highway To Hell or Back In Black!!!!!!!!!!!!! (*peter) (*ray) (*_*) :p :-) (^_^)

Dude no!Just no.It's a GB movie not some movie about ACDC.The theme will always be GB,whether it is the original RPJ or one of the new mixed versions,but the theme will be GB,no ifs,ands,or buts about it.

by sam1

20 years, 3 months ago

Well if you could only have one GB, it has to be the original. And newer audiences don't matter, because Ghostbusters is timeless and recognizable world-wide. Although both would definately be the way to go. As far as who remakes the song, I would go with maybe:

The Cure
Symphony X
Cradle of Filth
Yngwie J. Malmsteen…

by Master_Bati

20 years, 2 months ago

So it's this for real?
Is there a chance in hell, that GB# would be made?
Isn't it 20 years since the first movie?

by Ectofiend

20 years, 2 months ago

*Speaking of “harder covers”…Has EVERYBODY completely forgot about the cover done by UK Thrash Metal GREATS Xentrix, wayyy back in like '90 already?…Or is it that everybody is just *that young*? (*egon) …

Anyways, keeping in mind that this is COMPLETELY conjectural and hypothetical, putting “contemporary-radio-whores” like 90% of the bands mentioned here would absolutely kill the mood of the film, and keep in mind that this *is* Ghostbusters, and not, let's say “Resident Evil”, or “Freddy Vs. Jason” so any real “hard stuff” wouldn't really fit either…And even then both of those featured mostly a bunch of watered-down “Nu-Metal” drivel…

*And this is coming from metalhead/old-school punk guy #1 here…And yes I absolutely abhore Green Day, The Offspring, and any other uninspired, radio-friendly slop masquerading as “punk” or “metal” in the last, oh 10 or so years?…Reaping the profit-margins with it's “packaged rebellion”…And yes again, I hate “classic rock”…The only “artists” I can tolerate are Jimi Hendrix and AC/DC (In RANDOM spurts)…Possibly The Doors…Maybe…

Look at the first soundtrack…Granted it *was* 1984…But it was light, almost “fluffy stuff”…It fit the bill…And the second?…Don't even get me started on that one…Sure, Oingo Boingo, Doug E. Fresh, & Run DMC were *nice* additions, but freaking Elton John?!…Gimmie a break!!…And the latter-day-poster-boy for cocaine-addiction and unfaithful husbands Bobby Brown?!…Pah-leeseee…“We're Back” admittedly was alright, but the rest (Other than those mentioned) is what absolutely killed the second soundtrack for me…

I don't even have a clue what would suit the “new” soundtrack, if there were to even be one, but it would have to match the atmosphere of not only the movie itself, but the established (Or new) characters there-in, and none of what was mentioned before would do that aforementioned task…Not effectively…ESPECIALLY nothing to come out of the mainstream here in the last decade and a half…I'm not saying underground Death Metal, or even further “to the left field” of that like country (Which I *also* hate BTW), but it would have to be something INSPIRED, and not something mass-manufactured and “focus-group-planned” just to sell more copies…

*Let's face it…A horrible soundtrack can kill a movie just as fast as a bad script…

Right now I would just say stick to the Ray Parker Jr. original and a fitting “creepy-yet-quirky” score…That would be enough for me :p …


P.s. - Before you guys light the torches and grab the pitchforks, keep in mind that these are opinions, *my* opinions alone…You guys are obviously entitled to like what you like…And more power to you for what you do…But I'm also entitled for what I *don't*…So keep this in mind before blasting yours truley here…

*That said, “let the cannon-fire begin”…

by Brainiac

20 years, 2 months ago

personally i'd love to see john williams if this were done. since elmer bernstein passed away i'd like to continue with what he left with us.