GB3 Soundtrack- Wishlist.


23 years, 2 months ago

Before I begin this topic, let me say..Do not argue about who should be on it, just say who you want to be on it. I will post mine later.

by Class5Pilly

23 years, 2 months ago

I allready tried to start this topic a while back, no one responded.
Anyways, like I said before, they need to have Weezer do a song for it. They did a good job with the credits for Mallrats. Also, I don't really like Slayer, I would think that they could make some truely scary stuff for some form of haunting scene. I remember when my brother overdubed Slayer in place of “Magic” in GB1 in some form of report and it totaly fit.

by Maroone

23 years, 2 months ago

Anything but rap. I hate rap. Rap is crap. Like in GB2 at the end when they were playing the main Ghostbusters song and then it turned into some rap shit, I turned it off immediately. Rap is nothing but talentless music thrown together but a bunch of guys who can't even write their own music. The classical music in GB1 was the best. I think that's what made GB1 a hit - the classical music. Rap just downgraded GB2 because the music was nothing but garbage. Take it from me, if they are going to make a GB3, which I VERY HIGHLY doubt, it better have some good music otherwise the movie's gonna be just as bad as GB2.


23 years, 2 months ago

1. GB2 wasn't a bad movie.
2. Rap is not crap to some people and you forget it was the thing at the time of GB2.
3. the score of GB2 was very good, too bad they never put it on CD.

My list.
1.GB cover: Alien Ant Farm( Big fan of them ever since July)
2. New GB osng by Ray Parker Jr.
3. Something by U2
4. Bustin makes me feel good by Outkast.
5-11 undecided smile.

by Funkenstein

23 years, 2 months ago

I have returned…but not on a good note.

Time to bring the FUNK BAT to Maroone!

“Anything but rap. I hate rap.”

-Yes, many people hate what they don't understand.

“Rap is nothing but talentless music thrown together but a bunch of guys who can't even write their own music.”

-Oh…I assume if you had the opportunity, you could produce music that MILLIONS of people like. Talentless? I think not. You should probably listen to some Public Enemy…some NWA, some Tribe Called Quest. That's about as good as music gets. You can write music? Hmm…strange. I guess you wouldn't know that a majority of lead singers in rock bands don't write their own music. Almost ALL rappers write their own stuff. That is FACT.

-“The classical music in GB1 was the best.”

That wasn't classical, stupid. If you are trying to express the fact that it was music without lyrics, then try again.

-“I suck.”

Oh…sorry. I just threw that one in there by accident. Although, you do suck…bad.

-“I think that's what made GB1 a hit - the classical music.”

Uhh…no. Music alone has NEVER made a film a success. NEVER. Try again, bonehead.

-“Take it from me, if they are going to make a GB3, which I VERY HIGHLY doubt, it better have some good music otherwise the movie's gonna be just as bad as GB2.”

You are right on ONE thing. GB3 will probably not happen. Once again, music alone does not make or break a film.

Sorry I had to get a bit of angry there, but some idiots just get me all mad-like.

As for the topic, I like…

Peace Out Kiddies



23 years, 2 months ago

Oooh, that hurt bad, glad it wasn't me you made those comments about Rap.

by Grundle

23 years, 2 months ago

my wishlist is

to ave either Limp Bizkit or Alien Ant Farrm do a GB cover (If bizkit does it have William Orbit Remix it)

by nazarai

23 years, 2 months ago

i would like to see a good film composer do the score for the flim, like trevor jones for example. actually i would rather see a dark eerie composer work with a hard rock/metal artist in a collaboration effort to make some neat ambient effect. smile

music may not make the success of a movie, but it certainly can make a film great.

and rap for a gb film doesnt seem all that fitting (can you see ja rule, methodman, dmx etc. heading up a cover of the theme song… now that would be amusing smile)

by ghostbusta4

23 years, 2 months ago

i actually made a GB3 soundtrack on the computer(no cd) for a story i was writing. its just a cd jewel with paper cut outs i made on the computer the songs are:

Goin' Global-Bus 11(my band)
Its the end of the world-REM
Prayer Position-AFI
Wisconsin Death Trip-Static X(there was going to be a fight scene in wisconsin)
Pollution-LImp Bizkit
Ghostbusters-Ray Parker Jr.

Remember i was a Rage freak when i was in 7th grade and thats when i made it.

Late, chris

“We have to go straight to.. Ludicrous Speed!”

by creed

23 years, 2 months ago

Why is everyone so negitive to rap you should be more open minded…anyway
-Dropkick Murphys- the gauntlet