I just wanna say this…Britney Spears is in no way or form worthy of being a Ghostbuster. Not to step on anyone's toes here, but she just doesn't cut it as being a spook-hunter. Let her stick to her day job being an overrated pop star. But, I do like the Ozzy Osborne idea if Satan were to be turned comedic. But, Ian McKellan is already busy being an evil baddy in X-men 2 and and a wizard in The Lord of the Rings sequels, so let the old man have a rest
The only thing I would change with Dan's original GB3 script is to get rid of that little adolecent brainiac kid with the huge head. Also, he should write the new team with distinct charateristics that would allow their chemistry to click just like the original team did. And I agree with what the original poster said about the theme for the movie. It should be a dark action comedy. GB was dark and funny…heck, it pretty much scared the crap out of people when it first debuted in theaters back in ‘84. GB2 was too…well, too…um what’s the word? OK, well I'll say it was too silly. At heart, it was a good film, but sadly it was killed in the editing room.
The last thing I should say is that a 2nd sequel should not be a teen, gross-out comedy. That kind of style ended with American Pie. Keep the tone of Ghostbusters 3 dark, funny, action-filled, and scary and then it will be the mega blockbusters end to a glorious motion picture legacy.