GB3 True or False???????

by MooseGuy

22 years, 5 months ago

I have heard alot on the new GB but one thing sends an eerie chill down my back like the chill i get when I drink a gallon of milk only to find that it was rotten and then i cry. I visited a website ( to be exact) and for fun searched the production of GB3. It found it alright but some unsettleling news. Apparently, Bill Murray won't agree to the production of GB3. Out of friendship, Dan Akryoyd refuses to try and change his mind. As much as I want to have a GB3, it may still go into production, but without Peter Venkman (Who was one of the best characters in the film)I wish to emphasize that this site hasn't completely explained in detail the story on what will become of the movie and I do NOT accept this news at all so don't get me wrong and don't find my house and castrate me with a rusty ice pick in my sleep.

by dastarddan

22 years, 5 months ago

Venkman was good I liked Ray better