GB3 url doesn't work

by GB3

19 years, 8 months ago

The url for Ghostbusters 3 doesn't even work anymore from Sony Pics website. Its more safer to say the movie is also out of Sony's future.
Not too surprising huh?

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

Well, we've pretty much resigned ourselves to this fate years ago, Bill has been a main stumbling block, and it's probable it's a tumbling block from which the project will never return.

by Ludicris

19 years, 8 months ago

First there's denial : (*egon)

Then there's anger : :-@

Then all you are left with is sadness :

well, that was fun.

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

Really Mr. Ludicris, your progress astounds me.


by texasgb1

19 years, 8 months ago

With respect to the Murray things you are definately correct. All the attention he recieved with his last two films surely will not influence him to find a comback film since he has already had a good comback. If a few years go by and nothing comes his way he may change his mind if he wants to make another comeback.

by JerseyDevil

19 years, 8 months ago

Hey, there are 9 steps missing in that 12 Step Program of Ludicris'! Is it like doing the :20 workout & playing it on fast forward so it only takes :10?

by Ludicris

19 years, 8 months ago

Hey, there are 9 steps missing in that 12 Step Program of Ludicris'! Is it like doing the :20 workout & playing it on fast forward so it only takes :10?

Yes. Exactly.

by WiGgY

19 years, 8 months ago

THere need not be a GB3. Hell there didn;'t need to be a GB 2.

Even if it were done now it would stink beyond belief.

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

THere need not be a GB3. Hell there didn;'t need to be a GB 2.

Even if it were done now it would stink beyond belief.

Well, that's not an exact certainty, but there's a good enough chance it would be worse then Ghostbusters II.

by Ludicris

19 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I mean, if they made Ghostbusters 3, and Im saying if here, I think it might end up being done correctly (and we would have an amazing movie). Two reasons why I would think that;

1. I think everybody learned from their mistakes on Ghostbusters 2.
2. Im such a huge fan of ghostbusters I couldnt see them making a bad movie (but thats coming from someone who loved Ghostbusters 2).