
by marshmallow

18 years, 9 months ago

I don't know why you guys are so interested in a gb3 movie…I'd like it to happen too..but i don't think it must necessarily happen, if you know what i mean…we got two funny movies, there's no need to see another one, ‘cause you know now it won’t be the same thing without murray…

by fusi0n1

18 years, 9 months ago

Of course it won't be the same without Murray, I dare anyone to think different. Bill really did make them shine.
But… since there is no new movie, there are no new fans from the new generation, and aren't familiar with GB.
A new movie could mean new merchandise, comics, books, GAMES! We've already had a comics series cancelled, toy series cancelled… give us something?

Plus it will possibly introduce us to a new direction for Ghostbusters, where it will expand on what is already great. Sure it won't be the same, but nothing really beats the originals. Most franchises peak with the original, and enjoy sequels, games, etc. But Ghostbusters is one where it fell too short for my liking…

by BloodTear

18 years, 9 months ago

I took this out from IMDb boards for you but it was really sad readin' these lines…

«There was talk of GHOSTBUSTERS III a long while back. The premise was that the Ghostbusters were trying to hire a new employee after an accident puts Winston in bed for a few weeks. The premise is, Louis was to tell the Ghostbusters that their budget couldn't afford a high priority worker, so they'd have to hire non-union. Enter Chris Farley a Hot Dog vendor who's always dreamed of something more.

Chris Farley is trained to be a Ghostbuster, and his first assignment was that he was sent into an abandoned pier werehouse with Tulley. The two go after a ghost that was like Slimer and accidentally cross their beams. Instead of destorying all existance it opened a portal to another dimension . In Hell, the Ghostbusters face off with previous villan Zule, the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man, and Prince Vego. It would've been awesome but when Farley died, the project did too. The actors all either moved on to better things, or simply didn't want to come back. That was the end of it.»

They had such a good plot and they gave up! (;_ (;_

A Ghosty Kiss!

by marshmallow

18 years, 9 months ago

ok, this was a good plot, but it seems to me it just won't happen.
You must also consider this is not the right time to make a gb movie. Do ya really think that today kids would find it interesting? I'm quite sure kids are not even scared by ghost tales, they would find the ghostbusters and their technology ridicolous..they're fascinated by other things. It's just that the time is wrong…think you know what I mean.

by sinister1

18 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Who made a revamped come back after about the same time of a hiatus… (not including the TV movie).

by ChrisSpade

18 years, 9 months ago

Why oh why are there a gazzillion topics all about the same thing? If you do some digging, this has been brought a billion times. Heck dude, this itself didnt even need a topic of its own.

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 9 months ago

I took this out from IMDb boards for you but it was really sad readin' these lines…

«There was talk of GHOSTBUSTERS III a long while back. The premise was that the Ghostbusters were trying to hire a new employee after an accident puts Winston in bed for a few weeks. The premise is, Louis was to tell the Ghostbusters that their budget couldn't afford a high priority worker, so they'd have to hire non-union. Enter Chris Farley a Hot Dog vendor who's always dreamed of something more.

Chris Farley is trained to be a Ghostbuster, and his first assignment was that he was sent into an abandoned pier werehouse with Tulley. The two go after a ghost that was like Slimer and accidentally cross their beams. Instead of destorying all existance it opened a portal to another dimension . In Hell, the Ghostbusters face off with previous villan Zule, the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man, and Prince Vego. It would've been awesome but when Farley died, the project did too. The actors all either moved on to better things, or simply didn't want to come back. That was the end of it.»

They had such a good plot and they gave up! (;_ (;_

A Ghosty Kiss!

That's someone's twist on the actual plot. I know they were writing a part for Farley, but that Winston being in bed thing is retarded, as is most of the other stuff. There's no way they were going to bring back Zuul, Stay Puft, and Vigo. Zuul came from another dimension, not Hell, same goes for Vigo. And the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was not an actual demon, it was Gozer in the form of Stay Puft. That crossing the streams thing was obviously made up too. They wouldn't change that plot from the first movie.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 9 months ago

Why oh why are there a gazzillion topics all about the same thing? If you do some digging, this has been brought a billion times. Heck dude, this itself didnt even need a topic of its own.

While I agree with you Chris, however newcomers to the board haven't had a chance to discuss these topics, so I guess this one will fall under the ‘revolving door’ group.
However, when someone wants to bring up a new point to a topic (ie. shine more light), or discuss an old topic further, they get blasted for ‘bringing it back from the dead’, so to speak.

I personally wouldn't mind seeing 1 or 2 ‘stickies’, namely:
1) Why do you think GB3 should be made?
2) Actors/Actresses you would like in a GB3 movie… etc.

by marshmallow

18 years, 9 months ago

ok, guys…it's my own fault, didn't check old topics…just put down your guns now…

by Peter_Randall

18 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Who made a revamped come back after about the same time of a hiatus… (not including the TV movie).

Yet bringing back Doctor Who is less contentious as the main character can be played by other actors. Bringing back Ghostbusters would either require different characters or different actors.