gb4 is a no


21 years, 9 months ago

You can read in the next day… a OFFICIAL answer… I can't talk about this along… now… is a “pretty” surprise for the peoples… :d


by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

matteo- i'm looking forward to whatever you have up your sleeve. you haven't let me down yet. :d

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 9 months ago

Didn't someone drop the news a while ago that Harold Ramis had already began doing re-writes of Akroyd's original GB3: Hellbent script a couple of years ago?

Somehow, I just tend to think that this movie never really died. It might be dormant or in a coma until someone decides to brush it off and give it the greenlight. Don't think it couldn't happen, because that is a common occurence in Hollywood. It took Spider-Man over 30 years to be made into a movie, The Hulk 12 years, and The Matrix almost 6 years. So, I can't ever rule out the possibility for a second GB sequel no matter how bleak the odds seem now. Truth be told, it's become folklore in the American conscience and legendary worldwide. I'm not just speaking as a Ghosthead when I say this, but as an avid moviegoer. Ghostbusters is too big a commodity to ever let go to waste.

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

mr. no ghost, it wasn't really a rewrite, more of a collaboration between aykroyd and ramis. i TOTALLY agree with your thoughts about the status of GB3.

by Texasgb

21 years, 9 months ago

If I remember correctly Dan origionally planned a script just for GB3. It was so long that sony asked him to make cuts. He made several but refused to make more. The script was still too long so Aykroyd suggested it be make into two movies.

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

all evidence points to that being just a rumor. castewar and stax mentioned nothing about the script being that long in their script reviews. there is a possiblity that the second draft was long enough to justify two films.

by Texasgb

21 years, 9 months ago

Its not a rumor man. I remember an article with a quote from Aykroyd about this. Its on one of the old gb sites that has not been updated but I dont recall which one.

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

i guess it would have to be the draft that aykroyd and ramis collaborated on.

i have GOT to get my hands on that thing. *looks under chair*