by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

Not just for nostalgia junkies! GB:A is a new twist on the franchise, fresh faces, new technology, grosser ghosts, and more pop culture references then you can shake a nutrona wand at. If you fancy a refreshing change from the sprite comics and boy love fan fictions that haunt the internet, feel free to strap on a proton pack and join the front line.

by Sayingkingkilla

17 years, 10 months ago

I'm ready.

Btw, what year does your story take place in?

by misfit1

17 years, 10 months ago

“Some Time In The Near Future!”

I cant give a real date, that would be telling!

by JamesCGamora

17 years ago

I just started reading all of whats up. And I must say…thats damn good. I really dig the concept.

Might I ask though. While I was looking at the comics…the site tried to install something onto my computer my vscanner registered as Maleware. Know anything about that?

by ghostbuster171

17 years ago

This is a nice site, thanks!

by LawgSkrak

16 years, 5 months ago

I love this comic. Good work. Can't wait to see more.

by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

Ghostbusters: Apocalypse State of the Union

Some of you may be wondering where the comic's been for something like the last half year, due to various changes in workload both Rich and I have had to put the comic aside for other priorities.

We're hoping to get it going again, but a lot of it hangs on things easing up for the both of us.

So the comic's not dead, it's simply taking an extended hiatus.

by misfit1

16 years ago

Don't tell them that! They'll expect more!

GB:A will return. But, it will be revamped. It's all well and good having an epic story, but with little time to work on it, you find yourself running out of steam before you've even started. Also, having a team of six that pretty much look exactly the same is hardly stimulating stuff to draw.

Expect a more stylised GB:A coming your way soon.

by Kingpin

16 years ago

Good to see you're still among the living Rich, hope the current circumstances haven't been hitting you too hard.

by misfit1

16 years ago

Nah, I had to move to yet another new place (3 times in a year, for those who are counting) but other then that, i've been keeping ok.