
by LeelaLoverMatt

23 years, 2 months ago

Hi, I'm a fellow ghosthead, and luckily owned a copy of Doom 2 from the start. However, it is a special release version, Doo2 for windows 95. I'm not sure if that makes a difference. Also everythings seems to work find till I try and start the game and I get this error message, “P_SpawnMap Thing: ”Unknown type 5001 at (-584, -3269)" That is the whole error message. I followed the steps, and well, I have nothing as of yet. If someone could help, it would be most appriciated. Thank you.
-Leela Lover Matt-

by ScubaSteve

23 years, 2 months ago

Ah, Doom 95… It GB Doom won't work with it… BUT you can make it work. Put in the CD for doom 2 and instead of installing doom2 from the CD, just drag the doom2 folder from the CD to your Hard Drive. It should now be able to run without doom95.