GBHQ and Nightsquad downtime...

by NetSolo

19 years, 11 months ago

Just got word that both sites will be down for server upgrades for a day or so… see you all on the flipside.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 11 months ago

Well that explains why I can't access the site…hope it's up soon.

by Xenographer42

19 years, 11 months ago

any news yet on when the site will be back up? it's been several days now, and withdrawal symptoms have kept me from going to school or work.

by Kingpin

19 years, 11 months ago

From what I hear, it'll be back some time today.


19 years, 11 months ago

Today only goes on for 4 more hours in some places. Most likely we're looking at Tuesday. If it's any later, that's just grounds for a beat-down right there.

by NetSolo

19 years, 11 months ago

Actually, the latest from Neil is that we're looking at Friday- I guess we're waiting on a new service provider as well. The good news is that this server will be faster, more efficient, and will eventually be one of the computers that helps Skynet overthrow the earth.


19 years, 11 months ago

I'll put in a call to the Governator's mansion and let him know. Important safety tip, thanks Net.

by Maverick

19 years, 11 months ago

It better be back. I'm missin' the old girl.

by Xenographer42

19 years, 11 months ago

The good news is that this server will be faster, more efficient, and will eventually be one of the computers that helps Skynet overthrow the earth.

the bad news is that some of us will probably have hanged ourseves by then.

by Brendan_M

19 years, 11 months ago

However there are other sites, such as where we can go to and still talk about Ghostbusters or just hang out and talk about W/E.