GBHQ and Nightsquad downtime...

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 11 months ago

And you know what sucks most of all? I was away/asleep, so I never knew it was alive again… I can't even remember which topics I'm so deperate to get back to…

by divia1

19 years, 11 months ago

It's dead, Jim.

Sorry, had to do it. (^_^)
Anyway, I think people are antsy when things that they take for granted are no longer there. Its a part of many peoples routines to hop on their fav message boards and post. When that is taken away some get uppity and dont know what to do with themselves.

by Cliff-Roswell

19 years, 11 months ago

…When that is taken away some get uppity and dont know what to do with themselves.

…read a book?

Better yet, watch Ghostbusters. Again. And again. And again. And again, until the site is fixed.


Even better, go to your local theatre and get tickets to the stage version of “Little Shop of Horrors.” Believe me, you will have more fun there than…well, here. Trust me on this one. “Little Shop” is the mutha-f*ckin' shiznit!! You MUST see this play!!! You will love every minute of it, from the first monolouge about the terror from beyond to the last curtain call for the performers and puppeteers, you will love this. Comedy, romance, (very little) gore, singin' and dancin'…

Why are you still reading this?! Go see th' damn show!!


by gbmasterman

19 years, 11 months ago

Now you guys know what it felt like for some of us who actually missed this place when it was down last summer. At least we didn't start flaming anyone about it though.

by divia1

19 years, 11 months ago

There isnt a production of LIttle Shop where I live.

I have no problems with this site

Can't a gal like em both?

by Cliff-Roswell

19 years, 11 months ago

Divia: Bummer, dude. You are REALLY missing out on something truly spectacular.

All: Well, the HQ is back. Don't know for how long , but let's hope it stays, eh?

::EDIT:: Though the posts are undreadble, because an error message keeps popping up. Fortunately, it's a GBHQ error message, not a “Server Dead/404 Not Found” message, which…is a good thing, right?


by lordvego1

19 years, 11 months ago

Cliff, I saw Little Shop on 42nd Street in NY…ABSOLUTELY amazing.. my high school may be doing it next year

by AgentD

19 years, 11 months ago

::EDIT:: Though the posts are undreadble, because an error message keeps popping up. Fortunately, it's a GBHQ error message, not a “Server Dead/404 Not Found” message, which…is a good thing, right?


I agree. We're getting there, people.

by divia1

19 years, 11 months ago

Well at least it didnt get hacked. One of the MB I go to daily just got hacked. Damn hackers. :-@


19 years, 11 months ago

Well, it's back and it looks like people've been posting, but it won't let me log in. Keeps saying my password's incorrect.