GBHQ and Nightsquad downtime...

by gbmasterman

19 years, 11 months ago

GB Freak
However there are other sites, such as where we can go to and still talk about Ghostbusters or just hang out and talk about W/E.

So you can't talk about Ghostbusters here?


19 years, 11 months ago

Apparently not.

by Brendan_M

19 years, 11 months ago

Welll obvsouly we talk here, hence the posting. I should have rephrased that. My bad, but I ment that there are so many other sites out there and message boards that deal with Ghostbusters. I think it's awesome that we can havea community that sticks so tightly together.

by AgentD

19 years, 11 months ago

So you can't talk about Ghostbusters here?


Personally, I'm having withdrawl symptoms already. Hell, if the HQ was up, I wouldn't be posting here.

by Cliff-Roswell

19 years, 11 months ago

Dan Evans
Personally, I'm having withdrawl symptoms already. Hell, if the HQ was up, I wouldn't be posting here.

F*ckin' A, dude.

F*ck-in' A.


by AgentD

19 years, 11 months ago

F*ckin' A, dude.

F*ck-in' A.


What did I do?

by divia1

19 years, 11 months ago

well hopefully it will be up by friday, if not sooner. Till then…. eh… ??

by staypuft04

19 years, 11 months ago

Are there going to be any new designs or anything once GBHQ gets back online? Or is it just gonna have a new, faster server?

by Cliff-Roswell

19 years, 11 months ago

Dan Evans
What did I do?

Nothing, man. I'm just agreeing with you. I wouldn't be here either had GBHQ and NS been taken down.

Just a few more days, though….


by NetSolo

19 years, 11 months ago

Are there going to be any new designs or anything once GBHQ gets back online? Or is it just gonna have a new, faster server?

Nah, same ol' lameness, same ol' problems just on a different computer and service provider. I kept telling Neil that I realized he'd ignore this problem until it swam up and bit him in the ass.

That was from Jaws…