GBIII needs a more manly, type fighter Ghostbuster...

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

Now i'm not saying that the original Ghostbusters are gay or anything like that. What i'm saying is that they are a little Nerdy, feminine. We have no Rambo type Ghostbuster who would go out there and fight the ghosts. Ray was scared of Gozer, Louis was a nerdy guy who would run away. Peter is cool, but not ready to go all on on a fight…Winston lacked some balls..

Get what I'm getting at? We need a crazy all out Ghostbuster, macho 80's style..Arnold swarchzeeneger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis type…

Here is my suggestion…How about Christian Bale as the rookie Ghostbuster? he would kick ass right?

I mean Ghostbusters cant be afraid of ghosts all the time right?
Look at the newer movies, they have to go all OUT!

Ever seen the movie Predators? something like that..just suggestion of course.

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

Now i'm not saying that the original Ghostbusters are gay or anything like that. What i'm saying is that they are a little Nerdy, feminine. We have no Rambo type Ghostbuster who would go out there and fight the ghosts. Ray was scared of Gozer, Louis was a nerdy guy who would run away. Peter is cool, but not ready to go all on on a fight…Winston lacked some balls

Taken what you have just said in to account…….DID they NOT defeat the stay puft marshmallow man,gozer,vego etc…that was pretty ballsie to me….in what part were they all feminine?…and there was nothing at all wrong with louis been a nerdy guy,he was'nt a ghostbuster so why would'nt he be scared, he only put on a proton pack in ghostbusters 2 to HELP them out and i saw no signs of him running away in that scene…..what im saying here is that ghosbusters is not a terminator/rambo/preditors movie where you have a one man hero who saves the world with his shot gun and swiss army knife thinking his mcgiver/B.A. …..did not ALL the ghostbusters go out there and fight ghost's….was it not the ghostbusters that convinced the mayor to let them get out there and bring down gozer and they showed alot of confidence in carrying out the misson and succeeded so were do's ‘'lack some balls’' come in as you described it.

theres nothing wrong with coming up with ideas for the ghostbusters and have your say/opinion on it but going from some of your last post's/thoughts on different ghostbuster topics,i really think you actually don't get what the ghostbusters are all about (*egon)

by ghstbstrlmliii1

14 years, 5 months ago

I respectfully disagree jedi. I think the reason GB works so well is that it doesn't depend on an overly “manly” guy to get the job done. They're just regular guys who have come up with the tools to do it. That's what also makes it so approachable to the fan base - you can be a regular person (so as not to exclude the female GBs I've seen running around out there who look like they could handle a proton pack just as well as any guy) and still be a GB. You don't have to be in excessively good shape or be overly “ballsy.”

Plus, just for discussion, Winston's accepted background has extended military experience in it - so I'll bet he's pretty ballsy anyway.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 5 months ago

wow Jedimiller, in your “great idea for gb3” thread you didn't understand the characters…

now you don't seem to understand much of anything about GB

the Ghostbusters are, as others have said, average joes. Sure some of them are smarter than the average bear (no Dan Aykroyd pun intended), but they're not beefy buff mother f***ers who kick ass and chew bubble gum… they're kinda chubby and short (Bill) and are just regular human beings.

I understand you have your views of what you would like for GB3, but keep in mind at least some of the characterizations that have gone into the franchise thus far.

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

The great thing about the Ghostbusters is the fact they're not the gun-ho steroid-laden heroes, they're the other guys, the average joes.

by batman2

14 years, 5 months ago

What next Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone & Steven Seagal are the new Ghostbusters, lol.

I think you just don't get it dude like others have already said, plus I doubt they would have the knowledge to adapt to new situations like Egon & Ray can.

by jettajeffro

14 years, 5 months ago

They went to that apartment knowing they might not come out alive. That's pretty manly to me.


14 years, 5 months ago

Now i'm not saying that the original Ghostbusters are gay or anything like that. What i'm saying is that they are a little Nerdy, feminine. We have no Rambo type Ghostbuster who would go out there and fight the ghosts. Ray was scared of Gozer, Louis was a nerdy guy who would run away. Peter is cool, but not ready to go all on on a fight…Winston lacked some balls..

Get what I'm getting at? We need a crazy all out Ghostbuster, macho 80's style..Arnold swarchzeeneger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis type…

Here is my suggestion…How about Christian Bale as the rookie Ghostbuster? he would kick ass right?

I mean Ghostbusters cant be afraid of ghosts all the time right?
Look at the newer movies, they have to go all OUT!

Ever seen the movie Predators? something like that..just suggestion of course.

Ghostbusters is not an action film. It's a comedy.

by PeterVenkmen

14 years, 5 months ago

Now i'm not saying that the original Ghostbusters are gay or anything like that. What i'm saying is that they are a little Nerdy, feminine. We have no Rambo type Ghostbuster who would go out there and fight the ghosts. Ray was scared of Gozer, Louis was a nerdy guy who would run away. Peter is cool, but not ready to go all on on a fight…Winston lacked some balls..

Get what I'm getting at? We need a crazy all out Ghostbuster, macho 80's style..Arnold swarchzeeneger, Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis type…

Here is my suggestion…How about Christian Bale as the rookie Ghostbuster? he would kick ass right?

I mean Ghostbusters cant be afraid of ghosts all the time right?
Look at the newer movies, they have to go all OUT!

Ever seen the movie Predators? something like that..just suggestion of course.

Christian Bale would kick ass? No. I'm pretty sick of seeing his named pinned on some many things these days as if he could play anything. His voice in Terminator Salvation bothered me enough, as well as his Batman voice.

There's nothing wrong with action heroes, but you can't combine that with something like Ghostbusters. The two don't mix.

by slimer3881

14 years, 5 months ago

Lemme geuss, did you just come back from a screening of the Expendables and automaticly think those characters would work in Ghostbusters?

Oh yeah, Egon's new updates to the Proton Packs, include grenades, rocket launchers, and heat seaking missiles.

as stated before, Ghostbusters is a comedy.

It's meant for laughs, not shakes and thrills.

It's concept was to take regular people, to be put into a over the top supernatural world.

Notice how the first halves of each film, only feature 2 to 3 special effect shots? and the rest is the characters interacting and the situations? sounds like…a comedy!

Now, a “badass” character in the GB films COULD work, only if it was played down with the other characters, like more of a rambunctious type, kinda like a Ray but more about getting into action, then science, or he talks a big game but is a complete goon. that could work.

Recruit: It went up there! come on! lets kick its ass! im gonna pump it so full o–
Venkman (stops him): hey, hotshot, take a xanax, will ya? always take the easy way out, it's in the employee handbook.
Recruit: Screw the handbook, i'll do it my way, and im–
Venkman (assertive): just follow me…
Recruit (quiets down): ok.. (follows along)