GBIII needs a more manly, type fighter Ghostbuster...

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

Taken what you have just said in to account…….DID they NOT defeat the stay puft marshmallow man,gozer,vego etc…that was pretty ballsie to me….in what part were they all feminine?…and there was nothing at all wrong with louis been a nerdy guy,he was'nt a ghostbuster so why would'nt he be scared, he only put on a proton pack in ghostbusters 2 to HELP them out and i saw no signs of him running away in that scene…..what im saying here is that ghosbusters is not a terminator/rambo/preditors movie where you have a one man hero who saves the world with his shot gun and swiss army knife thinking his mcgiver/B.A. …..did not ALL the ghostbusters go out there and fight ghost's….was it not the ghostbusters that convinced the mayor to let them get out there and bring down gozer and they showed alot of confidence in carrying out the misson and succeeded so were do's ‘'lack some balls’' come in as you described it.

theres nothing wrong with coming up with ideas for the ghostbusters and have your say/opinion on it but going from some of your last post's/thoughts on different ghostbuster topics,i really think you actually don't get what the ghostbusters are all about (*egon)

I get the Ghostbusters..i know what they are all about…but this is 2010…comedies aren't that great anymore..they have to take it up a notch…awsome special effects, great costumes and some cool fighting cannot just be like the old films…films are different these days…why can't you guys accept change? The ghostbusters could be a swat team type commando team…Ateam style..

We need new cool costumes, incredibly looking ghosts, lots of explosions and thrilling scenes that challenge today's audience..

Have you ever played the video game? the monsters are huge, the ghosts are scary as hell and the packs are heavy and kick ass with firepower..

We need also get rid of the old Ecto1 and get a better recent model..I mean seriously? do you think the ghostbusters would still be driving that old crappy cadillac? Today's city agencies have new cars, Like an escalade or something would fit them…

I'm just talking about not keeping the ghostbusters the same..advancing the story..not the same old crap..

Lucas did this with star wars and the star wars fans got all mad because they wanted the same, more of the same…but the prequels pushed the old movies…they were different and fresh..

I know most fans wanted the same old millenium falcon and the old xwings with the same old boring guys in suits…lucas gave them that and 1000X more…

this is what Ghostbusters needs to do if it wants to succeed..think HALO!(*ray)

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

The ghostbusters could be a swat team type commando team…Ateam style

so you want ghostbusters to a copie of The

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

The ghostbusters could be a swat team type commando team…Ateam style

So you want ghostbusters to be a copy of The A Team and all the other hot shot action movies that HAVE already been done to death and all seems to be the same……(*egon),over the top speacil effects is'nt always the right way to go and sometimes makes a movie that should have been good a complete failure…..Take Ghostbusters the first movie for the first quarter of the film there is no speacil effects and it draws you in to the background of what the film is building up to be and it works great

Im not against change for GB3 at all and there IS gonna be a change in GB3 as to many years has past since GB2 BUT i still think your not seeing the bigger picture on this subject (*egon)

by slimer3881

14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, perfect idea. Make the film typical popcorn trash, and not have it stand out at all. Lets focus on action action and more action. It's not like any one cares about Bill Murray or Dan Aykroyd's comedic abilities, lets just focus on special effects.

The reason that the first Ghostbusters was a huge success is because it was not generic and dull, it didnt rely on special effects and action, it was character and story based, it was unique and pushed the boundaries of it's genre, adding elements of horror,sci-fi, and fantasy into the mix of tongue & cheek, and SNL humor.

“Comedies arnt that great anymore”

okay, welll maybe that's why they wanna bring Ghostbusters back, to make Comedy great again!

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, perfect idea. Make the film typical popcorn trash, and not have it stand out at all. Lets focus on action action and more action. It's not like any one cares about Bill Murray or Dan Aykroyd's comedic abilities, lets just focus on special effects.

The reason that the first Ghostbusters was a huge success is because it was not generic and dull, it didnt rely on special effects and action, it was character and story based, it was unique and pushed the boundaries of it's genre, adding elements of horror,sci-fi, and fantasy into the mix of tongue & cheek, and SNL humor.

“Comedies arnt that great anymore”

okay, welll maybe that's why they wanna bring Ghostbusters back, to make Comedy great again!

I used to think like you…I was pissed off at Michael Bay for what he did with the transformers movie…the original Transformers were more about characters and dialogue and the war, not even about humans as much…but Bay made it about cool battles and giant ugly looking robots…and people liked that…Why? don't ask me why…

the audience are different today..if they make ghostbusters as done in the old days it's going to fail with the young audience…

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

I get the Ghostbusters..i know what they are all about…but this is 2010…comedies aren't that great anymore..they have to take it up a notch…awsome special effects, great costumes and some cool fighting cannot just be like the old films…films are different these days…why can't you guys accept change? The ghostbusters could be a swat team type commando team…Ateam style..

Honestly, at this point, I think its very safe to say that you don't get the Ghostbusters. At all. The bolded part of the statement pretty much proves that point.

And since when are comedies not that great anymore? As far as I knew, people still liked to laugh, and every good comedy didn't have explosions, special effects, and cool fight scenes. Those aren't comedies. What you've described is an action movie, which is also good, but not Ghostbusters.

We need new cool costumes, incredibly looking ghosts, lots of explosions and thrilling scenes that challenge today's audience..

You're pretty much summing up a lot of people's problems with Hollywood now a days. Turn everything into a “cool looking blow-em up fest” and everything starts to look the same. No originality anymore, because everyone wants to “challenge” the audience. Last time I checked, comedies didn't need to be challenging.

Have you ever played the video game? the monsters are huge, the ghosts are scary as hell and the packs are heavy and kick ass with firepower..

Ok, so add the items to the pack that were added in the game. No problem. That's part of the universe now. But wasn't Stay Puft huge? Weren't some of the ghosts scary in Ghostbusters? Keep in mind, they did what they could in 1984. With today's available special effects, there would be very good looking, scary ghosts.

We need also get rid of the old Ecto1 and get a better recent model..I mean seriously? do you think the ghostbusters would still be driving that old crappy cadillac? Today's city agencies have new cars, Like an escalade or something would fit them…

You were finally making a good point up until you said Escalade. The Ghostbusters would not drive around in that. Its not a practical emergency vehicle in my opinion. I do agree they probably wouldn't be driving around in a 59 Cadillac though.

I'm just talking about not keeping the ghostbusters the same..advancing the story..not the same old crap..

I take offense to calling Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 “the same old crap.” Doing something that doesn't follow a formulaic plot is very different from, let's follow this other “action packed” formulaic plot to challenge the audience. While we're at it, let's add Terminators and walking talking turtles who practice karate!

Lucas did this with star wars and the star wars fans got all mad because they wanted the same, more of the same…but the prequels pushed the old movies…they were different and fresh..

I know most fans wanted the same old millenium falcon and the old xwings with the same old boring guys in suits…lucas gave them that and 1000X more…

You've admitted to being a Star Wars fan, first, but if you want to be taken seriously, you need to stop bringing up Start Wars as if its comparable to Ghostbusters every time you try to post a new idea.

this is what Ghostbusters needs to do if it wants to succeed..think HALO!(*ray)

And you summed everything up with yet another God-awful idea. Ghostbusters is not Halo. Dear Lord. Part of me really hopes you're kidding.

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

I used to think like you…I was pissed off at Michael Bay for what he did with the transformers movie…the original Transformers were more about characters and dialogue and the war, not even about humans as much…but Bay made it about cool battles and giant ugly looking robots…and people liked that…Why? don't ask me why…

the audience are different today..if they make ghostbusters as done in the old days it's going to fail with the young audience…

A LOT of people don't like what Michael Bay has done with Transformers. He trashed the concept. Your claim that he has made something good by making it about “cool battles and giant ugly robots” is your opinion, but I wholeheartedly disagree with it.

The fact is people here don't give a shit about the movie “succeeding” financially. We want to see a good film, that WE the actual fans of the movie will like. The fact is, we care about seeing a film with a good story. Not a shit-ton of explosions and then a little bit of dialogue in between that barely moves along a story.

I could not care less if the teenie bopper morons who just want to see explosions and cool slang and a hot girl in the movie like Ghostbusters III or not. They're opinions mean nothing to me, or anyone else that loves this franchise.

by jay_tigran1

14 years, 5 months ago

Dude, you have your opinions, and I'm fine with that.

BUT, and I need to stress this, the reason most of US like the movies, and even the cartoons, was that it wasn't all about the flashy effects, big explosions, etc etc…they were CHARACTER driven.

You bring in a bunch of ‘roided up SWAT guys in Halo gear, there will be no character to the story.

Now, I won’t deny that the Losers was pretty awesome, character driven, funny, and had a hell of a lot of explosions.

But this isn't a bunch of guys out for revenge.

This is SPARTA!…I mean, Ghostbusters. If GB3 has a new team of younger actors (I'm not saying EGB college student young), but maybe someone like Chris Pine, or Chris Evans. Both have that sarcastic wit in their characters that they have played before, and Evans can pull off smart when he needs to.

But to say GB needs to be more like Halo & A-Team just shows you have no sweet clue why Ghostbusters is as awesome as it is.

by Kingpin

14 years, 5 months ago

why can't you guys accept change?

Because the change you're championing is change of the worst kind. Special effects over a good story, action over pacing and dialogue. You want something that would be a awful Ghostbusters movie.

The ghostbusters could be a swat team type commando team…Ateam style..

I rest my case.

I'm just talking about not keeping the ghostbusters the same..advancing the story..not the same old crap..

Flashy special effects, explosions and a Cadillac Escalade do not advance the story, they cheapen it.

I really don't know how you ended up as a Ghostbusters fan, you seem to like very little for what made the film a classic, and instead want to reinvent it for the Youtube generation.

…they were different and fresh..

…not a patch on the originals…

by slimer3881

14 years, 5 months ago

I used to think like you…I was pissed off at Michael Bay for what he did with the transformers movie…the original Transformers were more about characters and dialogue and the war, not even about humans as much…but Bay made it about cool battles and giant ugly looking robots…and people liked that…Why? don't ask me why…

the audience are different today..if they make ghostbusters as done in the old days it's going to fail with the young audience…

Okay, well, look at it this way, everyone still loves the first 2, not even just the fans, the general public still loves Ghostbusters, and they wouldn't change them, they love them the way they are, thats why they're considered classics. The fans and general movie goers wouldn't want a third film so much, if they didn't enjoy the original two. The game pushed younger audiences into it, and its the ongoing popularity with the movies and the game that pretty much pushed why the third is being made now. No gimmicks are needed.

if the first two are STILL very popular movies, then how and why would a third movie that manages the same feel and approach as the originals, be a failure?