14 years, 5 months ago
14 years, 5 months ago
14 years, 5 months ago
14 years, 5 months ago
14 years, 5 months ago
Have you ever played the video game? the monsters are huge, the ghosts are scary as hell and the packs are heavy and kick ass with firepower..
in case you haven't, you can now watch it on youtube thanks to me
check the fan section.
We need also get rid of the old Ecto1 and get a better recent model..I mean seriously? do you think the ghostbusters would still be driving that old crappy cadillac? Today's city agencies have new cars, Like an escalade or something would fit them…
This is just crazy talk :-( Ecto 1 is one of the most famouse cars in cinema history. The batmobile, the delorean from bttf, and Ecto 1. It should never be changed.
14 years, 5 months ago
Jedi…what are we gonna do with you.
The best thing about Ghostbusters is exactly what has been stated 20 times in this thread. This is a group of men who stumble into a role that can be commonly compared to pest control. The broad scheme of things is these guys were just looking to make money, and in the process, became more than just exterminators.
They are guys who literally stumbled into the apocalypse, and your case was that they aren't manly enough? Last I checked, these guys risked their lives to cross the streams when they weren't sure if it would work. They confronted spirits they didn't know how to approach but did anyway, they stood in the way of evil even though it wasn't their mission.
They did this, by being just like us.
They had a job to do that they didn't know they had to do, but they stood up to the challenge. They were as previously mentioned, average joes that just happened to stumble upon something truly spectacular (i.e. The ghost world, Gozer, Ivo Shandor's cult/summoning) and as they encountered these things, they still kept their character. In the video game Venkman says about Stantz “Just like a puppy, every day's his first day,” and honestly that still applies to the entire group.
The whole group has hunted, captured, and defeated a myriad of ghosts, but at the end of the day, these guys approach these situations just like they did the first time. Their logic is sound, but their approach is clunky to say the least (i.e. “GET HER!”, The Statue of Liberty, for Christ sake even talking straight up to a ghost that could kill them.)
I think over time you've lost sight of what makes this movie great. For one, it's set in New York, and a story this big could only be set in a city of equal size. The fact that it incorporates early historic gods and theories as well as touch on Christianity makes it somewhat believeable. Then toss in the fact that these guys aren't over the top, that they are just fantastic written characters is what gets people so deeply immersed in the story and canon.
I don't know how you started liking these movies, but to fully appreciate a third movie, you really need to incorporate the things that made the first two (yes the TWO) movies great. You're completely turning the third movie into typical Hollywood tripe, and nobody here wants that. As it is evident in every single response since your OP. Clearly this isn't just a few people disagreeing with your opinion.
14 years, 5 months ago
you know what your guys problem is? youre all too old. You forgot how cool it was as a kid. When I watched ghostbusters as a kid…I didn't care about the comedy, I think I was only 10…I didn't even give a damn about the jokes..I just liked the cool ghosts, the gadgets, the car, the streams and the big battle at the end with stay puft.
Ghostbusters IS NOT a comedy like you guys make it out to be…it's an action/ comedy/ scifi action adventure…Not just some comedy..
Lucas is right when he says that the prequels are for children…I grew up with the ghostbusters and children loved it…
I am an original fan, i just think that for the better good of the needs to move along to a more militarized, bigger fashion…
I think by now the ghostbusters would have a manual and would do and train everyone by the book. Like joining the military for example and being serious about work…
Maybe that wont happen in the 3rd movie…but in the revamping of the series….
14 years, 5 months ago
you know what your guys problem is? youre all too old. You forgot how cool it was as a kid. When I watched ghostbusters as a kid…I didn't care about the comedy, I think I was only 10…I didn't even give a damn about the jokes..I just liked the cool ghosts, the gadgets, the car, the streams and the big battle at the end with stay puft.
Ghostbusters IS NOT a comedy like you guys make it out to be…it's an action/ comedy/ scifi action adventure…Not just some comedy..
Lucas is right when he says that the prequels are for children…I grew up with the ghostbusters and children loved it…
I am an original fan, i just think that for the better good of the needs to move along to a more militarized, bigger fashion…
I think by now the ghostbusters would have a manual and would do and train everyone by the book. Like joining the military for example and being serious about work…
Maybe that wont happen in the 3rd movie…but in the revamping of the series….
14 years, 5 months ago
First off, I'm 23!
I've loved this movie as a child, and I'll tell you exactly how I feel about these films.
As a kid I had no clue what was going on, I just loved the effects, my favorite Ghostbuster was Ray just because he was the heart of the team and kept everything together.
As I got older, I began to appreciate the comedy more and more because it started to make sense to me. There are so many little things and quirks that the actors have that you just don't notice them as a child. Now I watch it and something new sticks out to me, either wording, behavior, and of course the pure comedy that is Ramis' writing ability and Aykroyd's love for the supernatural combine to make a relatively feasible storyline.
Your problem is you're looking to add beef to a movie that did a great job as a vegetarian. Ghostbusters relied strictly on writing and creativity to push the storyline. This militarized version of the Ghostbusters doesn't fall in line with the attitude that is the original 4 guys. They're NOT stone cold guys, they're not pricks with broomsticks up their asses.
They don't plan until the job calls for it, they enter into situations by the seat of their pants. Play the video game, in the video game do you know how they trained the new recruit? The strapped an EXPERIMENTAL new proton pack to him that had NEVER been tested. The game's storyline was written by DAN AYKROYD AND HAROLD RAMIS THEMSELVES! You know what that means? Even the guys who wrote the movie disagree with how you think they should behave in their own storyline.
I don't know how else to get the point to you without causing you brain damage, because at this point you clearly have no clue what vision the creators of this franchise have for their own intellectual property.
14 years, 5 months ago
My feelings exactly. ghostbusters is fine it does not need to be retooled. but i will say this it would have made one hell of a horror movie if they decided to go in that direction. but i for one would not change a thing.