GBIII needs a more manly, type fighter Ghostbuster...

by ghost_buster_x

14 years, 5 months ago

i agree. i certainly hope its got a darker story than ghostbusters 2 i liked the darker elements of the game it was a good change of pace

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;165374
And you continue to prove you know absolutely nothing about these movies. Ghostbusters is a comedy, sorry to tell you.

And we all love it for the same reasons we did when we were kids, we fell in love with the fantasy of it all.

That doesn't mean that we want nothing but special effects and explosions. That's a childish mentality that doesn't result in good movies. We want a good plot with our effects and fun, not just explosions and big dudes with guns. That's impressive to 10 year olds, not 25 year olds who appreciate films for something more than the explosions.

I don't agree with Venkman much, but he is dead on.

First off, I'm 23!

I've loved this movie as a child, and I'll tell you exactly how I feel about these films.

As a kid I had no clue what was going on, I just loved the effects, my favorite Ghostbuster was Ray just because he was the heart of the team and kept everything together.

As I got older, I began to appreciate the comedy more and more because it started to make sense to me. There are so many little things and quirks that the actors have that you just don't notice them as a child. Now I watch it and something new sticks out to me, either wording, behavior, and of course the pure comedy that is Ramis' writing ability and Aykroyd's love for the supernatural combine to make a relatively feasible storyline.

Your problem is you're looking to add beef to a movie that did a great job as a vegetarian. Ghostbusters relied strictly on writing and creativity to push the storyline. This militarized version of the Ghostbusters doesn't fall in line with the attitude that is the original 4 guys. They're NOT stone cold guys, they're not pricks with broomsticks up their asses.

They don't plan until the job calls for it, they enter into situations by the seat of their pants. Play the video game, in the video game do you know how they trained the new recruit? The strapped an EXPERIMENTAL new proton pack to him that had NEVER been tested. The game's storyline was written by DAN AYKROYD AND HAROLD RAMIS THEMSELVES! You know what that means? Even the guys who wrote the movie disagree with how you think they should behave in their own storyline.

I don't know how else to get the point to you without causing you brain damage, because at this point you clearly have no clue what vision the creators of this franchise have for their own intellectual property.

*stands and claps*

jedimiller you have your opinions, but really you don't see what Ghostbusters is. The movies, the games, and the cartoons are not Michael Bay “BOOM SHIT BLOWS UP! BOOM!” (I did love Bay's Transformers though, no bashing those films other than Devastator was a puss, but another discussion….). The Ghostbusters are 4 guys, fucking funny and goofy that DO have balls of steel and are common joes. That won't change and if it does, it is NOT Ghostbusters.

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

you know what your guys problem is? youre all too old. You forgot how cool it was as a kid. When I watched ghostbusters as a kid…I didn't care about the comedy, I think I was only 10……Lucas is right when he says that the prequels are for children…..

So if you were 10 when you watched ghostbusters in 1984 and you stated in another post that you watched it in the cinema that would make you 36yrs old so i think mabe your the old guy you must be referring to :p

thats messed up. I saw the original film in the movie theaters…

I also saw GBII at a drive in like 3 times. (*ray)

Lucas is right when he says that the prequels are for children…..

why don't you just get in contact with lucas seen as his named in most of your post's about ghostbusters and ask him could he make ‘'ghostbusters 3’' just for you
i might seem to be coming across very harsh but to be fair,no matter what people are saying to you bout the 3rd movie or whatever ghostbuster related topic YOU NEVER SEEM TO GET IT.