To refresh everyone's memory, the GBInc. roster reads as follows:
1 Ghostbusters
2 Extreme Ghostbusters
3 Nightsquad
5 Canadian GB
6 Division 6
7 EctoForce
8 East TN GB
9 Ghostbusters UK
10 Ghostbusters West Coast
(9 and 10 don't appear on any official rosters yet, but it's a pretty safe bet)
The Ghostbusters (meaning the original New York team, Venkman, Ray, Egon, and Winston) are common knowledge–we're still working out some questions on the “movie vs. RGB” issues, but Iain and I both agree to try and be as neutral as possible (ie no references to things like Egon's hair color in the Timeline

I have sent an email to EGB Fan in regards to some of her EGB concepts. I know Kingpin and I are both interested in using some of the concepts she introduces in her stories “After Graduation” and “Rebirth and Retribution” if we can make them work with the overall timeline.
Sinister and I both consider Kingpin's participation vital–especially in unsnarling some of the problems with Nightsquad continuity.
Iain is of course a member of both NOMAD and GBUK, so they're quite covered. Similarly, I'm a member of GBWC and one of my teammates in that is SpectreHarness of ETGB, so I'm hoping to have his participation. As far as Division Six goes, I'm glad to s..
Which leaves The Canadian Ghostbusters and Ecto-Force. If you wish to be included in the Timeline, we will eventually require your participation in providing and approving the dates and details in regards to your teams' histories. We're not asking for anything yet–but either post here or email Sinister or myself if you're interested.