GBInc development timeline pushes to the max!

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Well folks, time to announce a little project that Fritz (Veedramon) and I shall be working on!

We intent to create a full GBInc timeline to partner the GBInc development timeline! The current one merely places the Fanfic in order!

The extreme one will work like Fritz's ominbus one, it will inculde important dates… such as b-days, date of division set up, landmark dates. For example, some of my info on there might be: The day Iain joined the RAF, the day he met Ben, the day he began study as a demonologist and so on.

Litterally look to the Omnibus timeline for an idea, even the villain Artiath from GBUK/NOMAD's the war that shook the world fic will have a mention of the time he was imprissoned!

I am assuming all teams already mentioned on the alpha timeline will be included, plus any other Ghostbusters INCORPORATED team is welcome. I discriminate against GBI for one reason only, they have a different history to us. And as such… are a no go. Joint membership is ok though…

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

So who should we send our info to?

The ETGB has lot's of little red letter dates.

Ashram will play a major role though, seeing is how he is the main ETGB baddie and a WCD villan as well.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Sinister & Veedramon - This is wonderful news. With the addition of your new time line it will give new members specific information to Ghostbusters Inc. Im looking forward to it and i think i speak for all of us when I say you have the co-operation of every fan fiction team.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

To refresh everyone's memory, the GBInc. roster reads as follows:

1 Ghostbusters
2 Extreme Ghostbusters
3 Nightsquad
5 Canadian GB
6 Division 6
7 EctoForce
8 East TN GB
9 Ghostbusters UK
10 Ghostbusters West Coast
(9 and 10 don't appear on any official rosters yet, but it's a pretty safe bet)

The Ghostbusters (meaning the original New York team, Venkman, Ray, Egon, and Winston) are common knowledge–we're still working out some questions on the “movie vs. RGB” issues, but Iain and I both agree to try and be as neutral as possible (ie no references to things like Egon's hair color in the Timeline )

I have sent an email to EGB Fan in regards to some of her EGB concepts. I know Kingpin and I are both interested in using some of the concepts she introduces in her stories “After Graduation” and “Rebirth and Retribution” if we can make them work with the overall timeline.

Sinister and I both consider Kingpin's participation vital–especially in unsnarling some of the problems with Nightsquad continuity.

Iain is of course a member of both NOMAD and GBUK, so they're quite covered. Similarly, I'm a member of GBWC and one of my teammates in that is SpectreHarness of ETGB, so I'm hoping to have his participation. As far as Division Six goes, I'm glad to s..

Which leaves The Canadian Ghostbusters and Ecto-Force. If you wish to be included in the Timeline, we will eventually require your participation in providing and approving the dates and details in regards to your teams' histories. We're not asking for anything yet–but either post here or email Sinister or myself if you're interested.

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Quite right Fritz, we shall be civil… now we better tell these people what Division 6 actually is, it;s of some importance to the GBInc world…

Basically Division 6 is . So there you go, finally the truth is revealed.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Division 6 is basically GBInc's versan of MiB….a secret organization…

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Do you think that if that was true… your post would still be there?

by ShermanTully

21 years, 9 months ago

Mr.Kong, your accusations are nothing but that! They are totally false and have no grounding what-so-ever. As my colleague Vincent Belmont has pointed out;

Information on Division 6
It is not “available.” concerning division six is .

Quit asking about it!

Division six is containing , and is .

If wanted to release info on , they will do it in good time.

Thank you.

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Indeed, now let's leave Alone

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok so guys, we need