by LouisTully

22 years, 3 months ago

Greetings franchisees. Thought I'd take a moment out of my busy schedule to update you on the progress of the upcoming GBI website.

We've gone through the lengthy (and in my opinion, EXPENSIVE!) process of hiring the hordes of people it takes to start a business website. So far we're looking at a webmaster, host, copywriter, four graphic designers, a team of PR guys, a flash animator (for a special GBI exclusive feature), a lawyer, and three errand boys.

All is going well. Pete and the fellas have a design picked out and have started picking out the features to be included on the site. The entire GBI office is abuzz with the excitement! That coupled with the fact that Janine has just started unpacking the office Christmas decorations.

Who knows, maybe an early Christmas present?

by Kingpin

22 years, 3 months ago

Glad to hear it Louis. smile


22 years, 3 months ago

Well it's good to see GBI doing some more work than collecting our hard earned money and sending out spare pack parts. There wont be any wierd tests we have to go through, right?

by SadEmoKid

22 years, 1 month ago

How's the site coming along Luis? Can't wait to see more than that coming soon logo! wink

by Chad

22 years, 1 month ago

Look for something soon… yikes

by Dr.Roberts

22 years, 1 month ago

What's the scoop?

by LouisTully

22 years, 1 month ago


We've got our web monkeys working overtime to try to get the finishing touches on the GBI website.

We hope to have it up very soon.

Also, we at GBI have NO COMMENT on ANY reports of upcoming GB related merchandise, products, or publications…except the GBI website.

by Spengs

22 years ago

Louis: Are these the same web “monkeys” who tried to shake Peter's monkey tree years ago? :d

Any new updates on GBI's site?

by Dr.Roberts

22 years ago

My money says they are the exact same monkeys!

C'mon Louis, don't leave us hanging on a line here…we're all dying to know about the GBI website. What's the status? What's the projected launch date? What's it gonna cost us?

But seriously, what's the hold up?

by SpecterHarness

22 years ago

I hope it doesn't come out around the time ETGB becomes an official franchise. We'll be waiting forever. LOL