GB:Legion original ink art on sale now on Ebay!!!

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

i have been talking personally with steve
thankyou very much
now back to my question…………..

Well, that's questionable without proof… but I'll reitterate that if any more art appears for purchase, it'll be soley Steve or Serge's decision, not yours.

The truth may not be nice, but don't shout at me for simply being a messenger.

by oldschoolbuster

19 years, 4 months ago

ummm yeah are you their messenger offically
or just by your own dubbing?

thanks for the opinion but i do believe it is not yours to give, last time I checked this post was done by Serge LaPointe
I was asking him a question not you,
furthermore i am not yelling at you just putting you in your place on the issue
thankyou very much
and yes i have been in contact with serge through ebay

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

I wasn't being serious about the messenger, it's a saying “Don't shoot the messenger.” I've had a little contact with Steve Kurth, but I never claimed to be the official voice of ‘the one true artist’.

I was simply saying that you shouldn't set your hopes on any more artwork, as they might have sold the ones they were willing to sell, artists and writers keep some of their work either for their personal collections or as something for their families to keep and remember them by. Putting me in my place would be appropriate if I'd made outrageous claims or shouted you down, I don't believe I've done either.

You've been in contact with Serge? Good for you, but it doesn't give you thr right to act like a child who's been refused sweets. I didn't want to go out and have an argument with you, but you've blow this way out of proportion.


19 years, 4 months ago

“Put you in your place”? Do you realize how much of an ASSHOLE you sound like? Dude's telling you not to get your hopes up and you get all up in his face. What the hell is this, asshole month on GBN? Straighten up and fly right, Bunky. We don't need any more pompous, arrogant jerkoffs who think they're owed something.

by oldschoolbuster

19 years, 4 months ago

This is what i hate about the internet i thought you were being like “comic guy” off simpsons trying to sound like you knew everything about the topic~
I apologize for coming off like a jerk i was just looking to hear from serge not you but you obiviously didnt mean to make this personal~
my bad man!
I have been on this board since 1999 my screen name has changed over the years but yeah i should be one of the more mature members and i have acted otherwise
sorry man
but seriously serge if you plan on selling anymore work let me know


19 years, 4 months ago

Much better, thumbs up!

by Kingpin

19 years, 4 months ago

Apology accepted.